- OCTOBER CLINIC: Martha Theirl, DPT, will be here TOMORROW Friday, October 1st from 6-6:45p, teaching us how to create mobility and stability in overhead positions! Sign up at the front desk TODAY Thursday, September 30th.
- BONUS POINTS: Accumulate 60 min of stretching to earn 3 points! Stretch, mobilize, take a yoga class, etc., all count. You can break the 60 minutes however you’d like; two half hour sessions, three 20 minute sessions, five 10 minute session… Get it done!
“Fair Trade”
100-80-60-40-20 Double Unders
50-40-30-20-10 Calorie Row
25-20-15-10-5 Attempts
40-30-20-10-5 Calorie Row
120-100-80-60-40 SingIe Unders
25-20-15-10-5 Calorie Row
Cardio-fest!! For the double unders, each set will take 2:00, :90, :60, :45, :30, and for the row each round will take around 3-4 min, 2-3 min, 2 min, :90-2 min, and :60. Scale reps and/or calories to meet the above time domains. Start the dubs/row at a conservative pace, then start picking it up on the round of 60/30. Target 18 minutes.
Post Time to Comments.
10 Rounds
200 Meter Run
30 Mt.Climbers
Dubs: 80-60-50-40-20
Row: 50-40-30-20-10
Either had 25-30 dubs in a row or….2.
15:32 MCx
First two rounds of dubs unbroken
16:55 1/2 dubs 20 16 12 8 4 row (hamstring)
17:58 mcx
19+ MAx rope, MCx row
19:15 MCx
Good news: did 100 dubz unbroken (PR!)
Bad news: my first 50 cal row immediately after was SLOW.
13:58 mcx
13:58 Singles
80-60-50-40-20 dubs
50-30-30-20-10 cals
Dubs thwarted by my low ceilings!
16:20 Mcx
20:07 MCx
15:41 mcx
dubs went buh-bye on those rounds of 60 and 40.
13:27 MCx
Fun working out with the 12pm class!
14:13 MCx
Great 12PM! A few late set trip ups and a surging Pancho…just couldn’t hold him off and got SMOKED in the end.
20:01 mcx
80-60-40-20-10 dubs, row was as prescribed