- NUTRITION RECHARGE: Ends TODAY, Tuesday 10/19. Get your scores into Triib!!
“I’ve Been Thinking”
2 Rounds
50 Calorie Row
25 Handstand Push Ups
2 Rounds
45 Calorie Row
25 Abmat Handstand Push Ups
2 Rounds
40 Calorie Row
25 Dumbbell Press
Today is a great opportunity to push the row. The handstand push up Is a complimentary movement, and you’ll be able to catch your breath before the next round, so get after it! Row at 1200/900 cal/hour pace to complete the 50 cals in about 3-4 minutes. The handstand push ups are kipping, which means you can stay on the wall for bigger sets. Try for sets of 15/10 or 10/5/5/5. The handstands will take no more than 3 minutes. Overall, target sub 15 minutes.
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2 Rounds
800 Meter Run
25 Handstand Push Ups
15:35, MVx 15#
12:01 45 cal 2 ab mats
9:08 MCx
8:30 mcx
12:08 MCx
Fun energy at the nooner!
11:47, 2 ab mats
11:04- 1 ab mat strict
11:34 MCx
8:38 mcx
11:55 MCX
Modified 2nd round. Knee
1st round ~4:00