• TOMORROW February 14th, is Valentine’s Day! Wear your festive workout gear!


“Much More to See”

0-6 Minutes
50 Double Dumbbell Step Overs

6-12 AMRAP
1k Row
12-22 AMRAP
20 Dumbbell Russian Twists
20 Dumbbell Sit Up
20 Dumbbell Side Bends
20 Wipers
Weight: 35/20

0-6 Minutes
50 Double Dumbbell Step Overs

6-12 AMRAP
750 Meter Row
12-22 AMRAP
20 Dumbbell Russian Twists
20 Dumbbell Sit Up
20 Dumbbell Side Bends
20 Wipers
Weight: 25/15

0-6 Minutes
50 Double Dumbbell Step Overs

6-12 AMRAP
500 Meter Row
12-22 AMRAP
20 Dumbbell Russian Twists
20 Dumbbell Sit Up
20 Dumbbell Side Bends
20 Wipers
Weight: 15/10

Three parts?! Heck yes! The first six minutes, try to complete the 50 box step overs under the time cap. You will be carrying TWO dumbbells (suitcase style) up and over. Make sure you choose a weight that you can successfully carry over for at least five reps before breaking. At the six minute mark, you’ll immediately start rowing 1000 meters. Target completing the row in 4-5 minutes and having at least a minute rest before the next phase of the workout. At the twelve minute mark, you’re doing an AMRAP 10 of ab exercises with 1 dumbbell (can be heavier than what you used on the boxes). The twists and wipers are 10 per side.

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