• FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS: For the next three Fridays during the CrossFit Open, we will be doing THEMED Friday Night Lights at the 5p class! The themes will be…
    • TOMORROW 2/25: Olympics – wear the Olympic rings, carry a torch, dress as your favorite Olympian, or wear red, white and blue.
    • Friday 3/4: TV/Movie Character – dress as your favorite character from any show, movie, series, etc.
    • Friday 3/11: Daybreak Spirit – wear ALL of your Daybreak gear, orange and blue, or come as your favorite Daybreaker

EVERYONE is welcome, whether you’re registered for the Open or not. If you did the workout earlier in the day, please come back to cheer on your fellow Daybreakers, partake in the theme and win a prize, have a beverage (adult if you’d like), and hangout after for a little social!


“Don’t Be Shy”

3 Rounds
4:00 on/1:00 off
500/400 Meter Row
15 Push Press
10 Back Rack Lunges
Max Burpee Pull Ups

Weight: 95/65

3 Rounds
4:00 on/1:00 off
500/400 Meter Row
15 Push Press
10 Back Rack Lunges
Max Burpee Pull Ups

Weight: 75/55

3 Rounds
4:00 on/1:00 off
400/350 Meter Row
12 Push Press
9 Back Rack Lunges
Max Burpee Pull Ups

Weight: 55/35

It’s a RACE! Spend no more than 2:00 on the row (scale meters) and complete the meters at a moderate pace. As soon as you’re off the rower, grab your bar and do the push press unbroken or at least in sets of 10 and 5 reps. On the last push press, place the bar gently on your back and rock out 10 alternating lunges (5/side). Run to the rig and in any remaining time (:45-:60) do as many burpee pull ups as possible! Record total burpee pull ups.

Courtesy of Ibex

Post Total Reps to Comments.


3 Rounds
4:00 on/1:00 off
400 Meter Run
15 Sit Ups
10 Jumping Lunges
Max Burpees

