Monthly Specialized Extra Programming
Want to incorporate extra strength, mobility, gymnastics, core and/or accessory work into your weekly routine? Coach James can help you! Sign up with James for weekly emails that include extra work geared toward your goals. James’ extra programs are designed to coincide with Daybreak’s daily workouts, so you’re getting the added benefit without burning out.

The Details

  • Weekly extra work is sent out every Sunday nights for the upcoming week
  • The program takes 30-45 minutes and is to be done 2 days per week
  • Two 45 min private session with James is included per month!
  • You pay an additional monthly fee $199/month
  • If you do not want to include the 45 minute personal training session, the monthly fee is reduced to $99/month

Interested in a few One-on-One Sessions with James? Contact us at [email protected].

Personal Training

  • Single 1-Hour Session = $100
  • 5 Pack of 1-Hour Sessions = $450
  • 10 Pack of 1-Hour Sessions = $800

Group Rates (for 1-Hour Sessions)

  • 2 Person = $50/each
  • 3 Person = $40/each
  • 4 Person = $30/each
  • 5+ People = $20/each


“Front + Center”

1 – 15/12 Calorie Bike
2 – 15 Dumbbell Hang Cleans
3 – 15 KB Step Overs
4 – 15 Kettlebell Swings
5 – 150 Meter Run
6 – 15 Ring Rows

Weight: 50/35, 70/53

1 – 12/9 Calorie Bike
2 – 15 Dumbbell Hang Cleans
3 – 15 KB Step Overs
4 – 15 Kettlebell Swings
5 – 150 Meter Run
6 – 15 Ring Rows

Weight: 35/20, 35/26

EMOM 303
1 – 9/6 Calorie Bike
2 – 10 Dumbbell Hang Cleans
3 – 10 KB Step Overs
4 – 10 Kettlebell Swings
5 – 150 Meter Run
6 – 10 Ring Rows

Weight: 25/15, 26/18

Rise-N-Grind!! On the minute complete the designated work. The faster you finish the more rest you get. Scale reps before scaling weights. The hang cleans are with two reps and the kb step overs are with one kettlebell. Have fun!

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