“The Kick”

60 Calorie Row
50 Russian KB Swings
40 DB Push Press
30 V-Ups
20 Ring Rows
10 Sit to Stands
20 Ring Rows
30 V-Ups
40 DB Push Press
50 Russian KB Swings
60 Calorie Row

Time to Grind! The workout starts and ends with a 60 cal row that will take around 5 minutes to complete (scale to meet this time domain.) YOU choose your weight for the eye-height kettlebell swings, and for the db push press. You should be able to do the swings and push press in 2-3 sets. Break v-ups into sets of 10-15. Ring rows keep your eyes under the bar from which they hang. You may have to do sets of 5. Chip away at the sit to stands. Try to get through the second half of the workout faster than the first half.

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