“Die Alone”

40 Cal Bike
40 Deadlifts
4 Rope Climbs
30 Cal Bike
30 Hang Power Cleans
3 Rope Climbs
20 Cal Bike
20 Front Squats
2 Rope Climbs

Weight: 135/95

30 Cal Bike
40 Deadlifts
8 Strict Pull Ups
30 Cal Bike
30 Hang Power Cleans
8 Strict Pull Ups
10 Cal Bike
20 Front Squats
4 Strict Pull Ups

Weight: 115/75

20 Cal Bike
30 Deadlifts
8 Ring Rows
15 Cal Bike
20 Hang Power Cleans
6 Ring Rows
10 Cal Bike
10 Front Squats
4 Ring Rows

Weight: 75/55

From the start, keep a moderate pace the entire workout. On the bike hold 55+ rpms, which allows you to complete every 10 calories in 1 minute or less. Choose a weight for the deadlifts that you can string together for at least 15-20 reps before having to break. Then fly up the rope (:60) taking one or two breaths between reps. For the 30 hang power cleans, try to use the same weight that you did for the deadlifts. Break hang cleans into sets of 5-10 to manage your grip for later rope climbs. Again, move quickly on the rope. For the last round of 20 front squats, complete them in two sets of 10 or if you’re an animal try for one giant set of 20 reps! Target 20 minutes.

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