
80 Burpees
EMOM 5 Russian KB Swings

80/60 Cal Bike
EMOM 5 Pull Ups

80/60 Cal Row
EMOM 5 DB Shoulder to Overhead

80 DB Box Step Ups
EMOM 5 V-Ups

Weight: 70/53, 50/35

65 Burpees
EMOM 5 Russian KB Swings

65/50 Cal Bike
EMOM 5 Pull Ups

65/50 Cal Row
EMOM 5 DB Shoulder to Overhead

65 DB Box Step Ups
EMOM 5 V-Ups

Weight: 53/35, 35/20

50 Burpees
EMOM 5 Russian KB Swings

50/35 Cal Bike
EMOM 5 Ring Rows

50/35 Cal Row
EMOM 5 DB Shoulder to Overhead

50 DB Box Step Ups
EMOM 5 Leg Lift

Weight: 35/26, 25/15

Saturday Sweatfest!! Complete each movement as fast as you can, and to make things extra spicy you’ll have to STOP at every minute and do 5 reps of another exercise before you continue through the workout. Once you have completed a movement, move on to the next along with its emom exercise. Target 6-8 minutes for the burpees, 6-8 minutes on the bike, 5-7 on the row, and 5-7 on the db step ups. Record your total time. Target 35 minutes. There is a 40 minute cap.

Courtesy of Wanderlust

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