• TODAY MONDAY 10/9 Indigenous People’s Day: We will have classes at 6:30a, Open Gym at 7:30a, 8:30a and 5:30p classes ONLY!



1 Rope Climb
9 Thrusters
13 Burpees
200 Meter Run

Weight: 135/95

2 Rope Pulls
9 Thrusters
13 Burpees
200 Meter Run

Weight: 115/75

5 Ring Rows
9 Thrusters
13 Burpees
100 Meter Run

Weight: 75/55

Start with one quick rope climb (with feet) which will take about ten seconds. The thrusters could be a sticking point. Choose a weight that is moderately heavy, that you may have to break into sets of 5/4 or 3/3/3. Move at a steady pace on the burpees (:60-:75) and on the run (:45-:60). Target 6 rounds.

Mahsa Amini
Today’s workout was created by Fee Saghafi (a CF Games athlete) in honor of Mahsa Amini, the Iranian woman who was killed for how she wore her Hijab. The 22 minutes represents Mahsa’s age when she died. The rope climb represents a climb to freedom. The thrusters represent lifting suppression off the shoulders of the Iranian people. The 13 stands for the day Mahsa was arrested and the burpees are a symbol of getting knocked down and getting up to fight again. And the run represents the Iranian people protesting in the streets of Tehran.

Post Rounds to Comments. Compare Scores HERE.