• Maynard Food Pantry: Dinner Box Collection for families in need. See details HERE
  • 100K Row Challenge: Details HERE. Half Marathon Row on Sunday 12/17


“Open 21.2 ish”

10-20-30-40-50 DB Snatch
15 Box Jump Overs, 20″

Weight: 50/35

10-20-30-40-50 DB Snatch
15 Step Overs, 20″

Weight: 35/20

5-10-15-20-25 DB Snatch
10 Step Overs, 20″

Weight: 25/15

Start with a pace you can maintain for 20 minutes. Do not rush the first 3 rounds of snatches. The workout starts on the set of 40 snatches. Do the snatches unbroken for as long as possible and USE YOUR LEGS to protect your lower back. For the box jump overs, find a steady pace you can maintain from round to round. Try to finish the box jump overs in :45-:60. Record your time. You’ve got this!

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