• Winter Break Schedule: HERE


“Not Quite Atalanta”

800 Meter Run
50 Handstand Push Ups
50 Pistols
50 Pull Ups
800 Meter Run

800 Meter Run
50 Abmat Handstand Push Ups
50 Assisted Pistols
50 Banded Pull Ups
800 Meter Run

600 Meter Run
30 DB Press
30 Lunges
30 Ring Rows
600 Meter Run

A VERY scaled version of the 2020 CF Games workout, Atalanta. For the runs, target 4-5 minutes, scale down meters to be within :30 of this goal. The handstands, pistols and pull ups are UNPARTITIONED. Complete all handstand push ups (w/abmat, bench or db press) before moving onto pistols. Start with a big set of push ups before chipping away with smaller sets and short breaks. The pistols (assisted, lunges or squats) alternate legs for a total of 50 reps. Find a steady pace on the pistols and try not to take any major pauses. The pull ups, like the handstand push ups, start with a bigger set then chip away with smaller sets and short breaks. Complete this workout by running the fastest 800 you can! Target 20 minutes.

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