“Third Stop”
400 Meter Run
12 Shoulder to Overhead
24 DB Step Ups, 20″
400 Meter Run
12 Shoulder to Overhead
24 DB Step Ups, 20″
Weight: 135/95, 50/35
400 Meter Run
12 Shoulder to Overhead
24 DB Step Ups, 20″
400 Meter Run
12 Shoulder to Overhead
24 DB Step Ups, 20″
Weight: 115/75, 35/20
300 Meter Run
9 Shoulder to Overhead
18 DB Step Ups, 20″
300 Meter Run
9 Shoulder to Overhead
18 DB Step Ups, 20″
Weight: 75/55, 25/15
When you see AMRAP, it’s a great opportunity to try something challenging or new! Choose ONE of the three movements that safely pushes you outside your comfort zone. Run faster/longer, or use a heavier weight on the shoulder to overhead or step ups. When you choose your weight for the barbell movement, make sure you can do at least sets of four reps before having to break the set. Grind away at the db step ups, possibly switching shoulders half way through the set. Target 4 rounds.
Post Rounds to Comments.
2 rds MAx
Make that 2 rds + 400 m MAx
3 + 200 mcx — K8 making me work today!! 😰
Thank YOU! Your shoulder to overhead were lightning fast!
3+200 max
2+412 MAx…95#
25 cal bike / 10 @ 135# / 50#
4 + 20
2+416 MAx (except 95# s2o)
500m row, 95#, 50# step ups
3+ ~100 mcx
3+50 85#/35#
2 reps short of 3 rounds MCx
3+411 MCx