“Thx AlphaDog”

5 x on the 4 Minute
400 Meter Run
9-15-21-27-33 Thrusters

Weight: 95/65

5 x on the 4 Minute
300 Meter Run
9-15-21-27-33 Thrusters

Weight: 75/55

5 x on the 4 Minute
200 Meter Run
9-15-21-27-33 Thrusters

Weight: 55/35

At 3-2-1-GO, run four hundred meters in about two minutes. In the remaining time, complete nine thrusters. Those nine should be unbroken and you’ll have a minute or more to rest. The next round, you’ll do the same run, however you’ll add six thrusters. Continue to increase the number of thrusters until failure! If you fail a round, start back at nine thrusters, and continue to build again until the workout is over.

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