With a Partner:
Accumulate 80 Deadlifts (185/135)
Partner 1: 30 Wall Balls
Partner 2: 30 Wall Balls
Partner 1: 50 Double Unders
Partner 2: 50 Double Unders
Accumulate 40 Deadlifts (235/165)
Partner 1: 30 Wall Balls
Partner 2: 30 Wall Balls
Partner 1: 50 Double Unders
Partner 2: 50 Double Unders
Accumulate 20 Deadlifts (285/185)
Partner 1: 30 Wall Balls
Partner 2: 30 Wall Balls
Partner 1: 50 Double Unders
Partner 2: 50 Double Unders
Post Time to Comments.
Courtesy of CFPC
“Hype” 16:52, 135#/ 165#/ 185#. Great to partner up with you Jason! You gave me an added push this am! Where was everybody?
“Hype” 17:44, 55#/65# (light due to back ) WB 10#, SUs. Thanks for partnering up with me Brett! Great job on your DLs!
Hype 17:44 (75/85/95) WB 10#, SU
Great to partner with you Kathy!
went solo on this one — cough*Andrew*cough –did 40, 20, 10 reps on DL — 11:18
Hype — 18:27 w/Chris and Sherry. 95#/115#/135# DL, 14#wb, DUA
Nice job Eric & Chris…. 65# 85# 105# DU’s 25 per round and 6# WB (ok before you judge on my wimpy WB weight) WB rounds were unbroken..
22:38 with Lynette and Laurie.
95,105, 115. 10#wb, 25 du.
Got some good sets of du in first two rounds then disintegrated the last round.
I was kind of dreading this, but Ended up being a fun workout!
20:28 Rx with Sam. Fun partner WOD. Great push, Sam!
22:38 fun one with Britt and Lori, 135, 165, 185, 12wb, 25 ball slams
Sorry Kate….no excuses for my laziness this morning!
Snatch 1 rm – 170 pr! Last tested 1rm was 140
Masters Wod with Rap and Bill (5 min amrap: 5 mu’s, 10 cleans at 155) 3 full rounds
19:19 with Cory! Deadlift and WB RX and 50 singles
21:17 Rx. Willis and Saviano. The wall balls.
Partnered with Henry. Did 85#, 95#, 105# DL. 15 10# WBs and SUs.
16:10 with Conroy. RX everything but I did ball squats for WB’s… Conroy is a beast
Sarah/Tara: 18:29 Rx