NEWS: Daybreak’s 3rd Annual Member Survey is LIVE!

All members will very soon receive our Winter Newsletter with information on and a link to our 3rd Annual Member Survey. For those of you who have been with us for a while… you know what to do. For those new to Daybreak, this is a very important tool for us to better ourselves based on your feedback. Please be honest. The good, the bad and the ugly are fair game.

If you don’t receive our newsletter by tomorrow, please email us at [email protected] so we can send you the latest news and a link to our survey.

Thank you and advance for taking the time to fill out this short, but very meaningful survey.

2016-11-29T18:01:19-05:00By |Categories: Box Life, News|Comments Off on NEWS: Daybreak’s 3rd Annual Member Survey is LIVE!

CHALK TALK: The Mental Game

Admit it. You probably don’t give much thought to what’s happening between the ears each time you come into the box. We reference “positivity” on our lounge poster, we’re always helping members avoid “excuses” when things just don’t go their way in a WOD, and we often talk about getting comfortable with the uncomfortable.

What does that mean, you ask? Well, think about how you might feel when you click refresh at 8:01p the night before and you see a workout that just looks too hard. Or how about the butterflies in your stomach when the coach starts the 3-2-1-countdown to the start of the WOD? And of course, there’s the feeling you get when you’re mid-WOD, exhausted, breathing heavy, but know you have another 3 rounds left to go?

… but what do you do? You gut through it. You all do. You do so because you know it’s going […]

2019-01-07T17:14:26-05:00By |Categories: Box Life, News|2 Comments

Daybreak Turns Three! Time to reflect…

On November 4, 2013 we opened our doors to 40+ members who pre-signed with Daybreak based only on some parking lot workouts, a portable storage container full of equipment, and a world-class CrossFit coach/athlete who wanted to change the face of fitness in the suburbs of Wayland and Sudbury.

It was this small, tight-knit community, who on November 4, 2013 first walked inside our newly constructed CrossFit facility to workout between our freshly-painted cloud-laden walls. Three years and a six-hundred fold increase in members later is where we find ourselves today… with the same backbone of community who continues to motivate, support and welcome all newcomers into our fitness family.

It’s been amazing to see and even more so to experience. To each of our members present and past, we thank you for making us something special…. something more than a gym…  something you can only describe by experiencing it.

While “life” has taken several of our founding members on journeys far away from […]

2017-03-31T16:28:19-04:00By |Categories: Box Life, News|2 Comments

CHALK TALK: The Hook Grip

Oh yes, the hook grip. We LOVE the hook grip because it saves many a Daybreaker from hand and forearm fatigue during grip-intensive barbell workouts such as DT and Randy. We’ve also found that it creates a much safer bond between the athlete and their barbell.

A hook grip is simply a way of gripping a barbell by placing your fingers OVER your thumb (see photo below).


This allows the athlete to alleviate some of the force necessary to “squeeze” the barbell, and instead, allow the barbell to be “hooked” into place with less effort.

This comes in extremely handy when pulling a barbell off the ground. Any variation of olympic lifts like the snatch and clean are perfect candidates for the hook grip. And if you see the word “hang” in a movement (e.g. […]

2017-03-31T16:28:29-04:00By |Categories: Box Life|1 Comment

Chalk Talk: Scaling a WOD

A while back, we wrote an article on “RX”-ing a WOD that discusses what it means to write those two elusive little letters after your WOD score, but today’s Chalk Talk (our new blog series on CrossFit advice, tips and tricks) is about SCALING A WOD. Scaling is when a member modifies the written or prescribed (i.e. RX) workout. They could decrease the weight. They could reduce the number of rounds or repetitions. They could add an abmat to a handstand push-up. They could substitute ring-rows for pull-ups… and so on.

And let’s get this out of the way right up front:

The vast majority of Daybreak members
their workouts!

Okay. There. We’ve said it. And there’s absolutely no shame in it. On average, Mel programs the workouts for the top 10% of Daybreak members in order to keep our community inclusive and whole. […]

2017-06-23T05:12:48-04:00By |Categories: Box Life|6 Comments