DAYBREAKERS of the MONTH: Jodi + Pete

Jodi and Pete are another couple of silent but deadly CrossFit ninjas. Their good spirits, enthusiasm to help others and solid work ethic are certainly contagious to all around them.

This year, Jodi revamped her nutrition plan which has already resulted in new strength gains and a re-energized positive attitude. Jodi is constantly working on her weaknesses and is always quick to offer help and encouragement to new and old Daybreakers alike.

Pete is a great example of how to approach CrossFit and fitness in general. He is very self-aware and listens to his body when it whispers (rather than when it screams). When something doesn’t feel right, he works with a coach to modify the movement […]


NEWS: Daybreak’s “EARN-YOUR-TEE” Open Challenge

Hey Daybreakers, we are super-psyched for this year’s Open, and we want to make this year’s event just a bit more interesting. So we’re announcing our Daybreak “EARN-YOUR-TEE” challenge. Here’s how to play…

  1. SIGN UP for the Open and join the Daybreak Team. All details and instructions are on our team page HERE. The first Open workout is announced Thursday night, 2/23 at 8:00p. Best to sign up by then to avoid any issues.
  2. PURCHASE one of the new Daybreak CrossFit Open tees or tanks. Tees are $25 and tanks are $20.
  3. COMPETE in all 5 Open workouts. It doesn’t matter if it’s RX or Scaled nor does it matter your division. You just have to officially […]

DAYBREAKERS of the MONTH: Brian T + Dina

Meet Brian and Dina! This is our first of what we hope to be many Daybreaker of the Month posts. This is our chance to introduce 2 members who have made a positive impact on our community. We’ll be giving them the 2 front parking spots each month (shifted from our Daybreak Dedicated) and a whole ton of fist bumps and high fives. Congrats Bri and Dina!

Brian Tartufo


I am honored that you guys chose me for this. Without the coaches and the 5:30am crew pushing me I would not have been able to achieve the results over the past year.

I live in Framingham with my wife Kara […]
