WOD: Wed 12.18.2024 Press + Front Squat
4 x 5+, across
Front Squats
3x10, building
4 x 5+, across
Front Squats
3x10, building
Warm Up
3 Rounds
20 Glute Bridge
10/10 Side Lying Leg Lifts
:60 Plank
10 Push Ups
5 Supermen Lifts
2 x 800 Meters
rest 2:00
"Cash Out"
4 Rounds
20 DB Lunges with Knee Raise
10 DB Deadlifts
rest 1 min
"Get to It"
With a Partner
150 Calorie Bike
100 Power Cleans
50 Muscle Ups
10 Rounds
10 DB Snatch
20 Squats
30 Bicycles