WOD – Sat, Jan 18 “Something Real”

“Something Real” (Time)

3 Rounds
800 Meter Run
6 Bar Muscle Ups
40 Squats

MAx: 600m, 8 chest to bars
MVx: 400m, 8 strict or 12 ring rows, 30 squats

GOALS + GUIDANCE: Run the 800’s as if you’re running 2-3 miles, at a nice steady pace. Try to complete the runs around 4:00. For the bar muscle ups, choose a difficult upper-body-pulling movement. Maybe you go unbroken, maybe you can link a couple at a time, or maybe you’re doing fast singles. Whatever your choice of strategy or movement, these should take no more than :60-:90. Then, find a pace on the squats that you can continuously move […]


WOD – Fri, Jan 17 “Maaagic”

“Maaagic” (Time)

7 Rounds
250/200 Meter Row
45 Double Unders
Rest 1 Minute

MAx: 15 attempts
MVx: 200/150m, 50 singles

GOALS + GUIDANCE: With a rest built into today’s workout, you get to PUSH your pace every interval! Row the 250/200 in :60 or less. Take one big breath, to relax your arms and shoulders, then try to do the double unders unbroken or in as few sets as possible. The dubs should take :45-:60 at most. Target sub 2:00 per interval (record total time.)


WOD – Thu, Jan 16 Press + “Check Out”

Shoulder Press (4×6, across 70%

GOALS + GUIDANCE: Coaches will help you work up to a 7/10 effort (70%) and you’ll hold the same weight across all sets. Remember to keep your legs locked and abs engaged. Take two minutes between sets. Record your weight.)

“Check Out” (Time)

3 Rounds
25 Sit Ups
20 Meter Suitcase Carry (L)
25 Sit Ups
20 Meter Suitcase Carry (R)
100 Meter Shuttle Run

MCx: 70/53
MAx: 53/35
MVx: 15 sit ups, 35/26, 60m shuttle

GOALS + GUIDANCE: Move through the sit ups at a moderate/fast pace, completing them in :60 or less. Hold a heavy kettlebell […]


WOD – Wed, Jan 15 Sumo Deadlift + “Can’t Go”


Sumo Deadlift (4 x 6)
GOALS + GUIDANCE: Coaches will help you build to a 7/10 effort (70%) of your 1 rep max. The sumo deadlift puts the most demand on your glutes and can either feel easier or harder than the traditional deadlift. Maintain the same weight across.)

“Can’t Go” (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

3 Strict Pull Ups
6 Burpees to Bar (jump and reach)
9 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls

MCx: 95/65
MAx: band, 75/55
MVx: jumping pull ups or ring rows, in + outs, 55/35

GOALS + GUIDANCE: Start every round with 3 […]
