Workout Sneak Peek
01.20 - 01.26.2025
01.20 - 01.26.2025
3 Rounds
800 Meter Run
6 Bar Muscle Ups
40 Squats
MAx: 600m, 8 chest to bars
MVx: 400m, 8 strict or 12 ring rows, 30 squats
GOALS + GUIDANCE: Run the 800’s as if you’re running 2-3 miles, at a nice steady pace. Try to complete the runs around 4:00. For the bar muscle ups, choose a difficult upper-body-pulling movement. Maybe you go unbroken, maybe you can link a couple at a time, or maybe you’re doing fast singles. Whatever your choice of strategy or movement, these should take no more than :60-:90. Then, find a pace on the squats that you can continuously move […]
7 Rounds
250/200 Meter Row
45 Double Unders
Rest 1 Minute
MAx: 15 attempts
MVx: 200/150m, 50 singles
GOALS + GUIDANCE: With a rest built into today’s workout, you get to PUSH your pace every interval! Row the 250/200 in :60 or less. Take one big breath, to relax your arms and shoulders, then try to do the double unders unbroken or in as few sets as possible. The dubs should take :45-:60 at most. Target sub 2:00 per interval (record total time.)
GOALS + GUIDANCE: Coaches will help you work up to a 7/10 effort (70%) and you’ll hold the same weight across all sets. Remember to keep your legs locked and abs engaged. Take two minutes between sets. Record your weight.)
3 Rounds
25 Sit Ups
20 Meter Suitcase Carry (L)
25 Sit Ups
20 Meter Suitcase Carry (R)
100 Meter Shuttle Run
MCx: 70/53
MAx: 53/35
MVx: 15 sit ups, 35/26, 60m shuttle
GOALS + GUIDANCE: Move through the sit ups at a moderate/fast pace, completing them in :60 or less. Hold a heavy kettlebell […]
3 Strict Pull Ups
6 Burpees to Bar (jump and reach)
9 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
MCx: 95/65
MAx: band, 75/55
MVx: jumping pull ups or ring rows, in + outs, 55/35
GOALS + GUIDANCE: Start every round with 3 […]