WOD: Thu 03.03.2016 Split Jerk Mel2017-03-31T16:28:48-04:00Tags: jerk| WODSplit Jerk 7 x 1 Post Weight to Comments Compare Scores HERE Share this post with friends! FacebookXLinkedInEmail 26 Comments Brett Thu 03.03.2016 at 6:51am 90# Brett Thu 03.03.2016 at 7:49am PR Mel Thu 03.03.2016 at 6:52am 5:30a – Way to set the tone for the day. Unreal changes in form which resulted in BIG PR’s. CONGRATS!!! Pete Thu 03.03.2016 at 7:11am 140#. 10# PR. W2.4 squat Great job this morning Scott! Kathy C Thu 03.03.2016 at 7:39am 80# (jerk) 5# PR, Thanks Lisa! Willis Thu 03.03.2016 at 8:23am 165# – So uncomfortable with the split. Need to focus on this more. CWOD: 3/4 Speed Annie (taper day for the Open) 50-40-30-20-10 Sit-ups and DUs 6:45 Nice work Russ on your Annie PR. Carly Thu 03.03.2016 at 8:41am 105# PR John.H Thu 03.03.2016 at 9:08am 135# worked with Bill and Anthony, stayed light to focus on form. Paul R Thu 03.03.2016 at 10:02am Last two days here in Mexico…. 200 SU 5 Push-Ups/10 Squats/15 Sit Ups (5X) 160 SU 5 Push-Ups/10 Squats/15 Sit Ups (4X) 120 SU 5 Push-Ups/10 Squats/15 Sit Ups (3X) timed out at :30 —————— shoulder press 65# 5×5 For Time: 800M run 40 Power Cleans (75#) 30 KB (35#) 13:09….. Rap Thu 03.03.2016 at 10:02am 235# Bill Thu 03.03.2016 at 10:34am 135# Straight technique day. Working on split. britt Thu 03.03.2016 at 10:48am 100#, 5#pr from feb. thank you Mel for all the help on form-makes a huge difference! Scott Thu 03.03.2016 at 10:51am 175#. Ted Thu 03.03.2016 at 11:25am 95#PR nfitz Thu 03.03.2016 at 2:44pm 125# mariamaramag Thu 03.03.2016 at 2:51pm 120# slowly testing what my braced knee can handle… btartufo Thu 03.03.2016 at 6:34pm 195# — 30# PR 5×200 row :36 :37 :36 :37:37 keith Thu 03.03.2016 at 7:41pm 215#, 20 off my PR. Gotta drop under the bar zdn Thu 03.03.2016 at 7:56pm 205# (30# PR). Failed 215 4x but hopefully next time. lourdes Thu 03.03.2016 at 8:15pm 130# – 25# PR Megan B Thu 03.03.2016 at 9:06pm Say WHAT? That’s a heck of a PR! lourdes Thu 03.03.2016 at 9:40pm Thanks Megan! I’m kinda psyched! SamB Thu 03.03.2016 at 8:45pm 285# 15# pr Liz P. Thu 03.03.2016 at 9:10pm 75# lourdes Thu 03.03.2016 at 9:41pm Nice job Liz! You rocked it tonight!! Nicole Thu 03.03.2016 at 11:14pm 110# Hang power clean 7×3 Comments are closed.
5:30a – Way to set the tone for the day. Unreal changes in form which resulted in BIG PR’s. CONGRATS!!!
140#. 10# PR.
W2.4 squat
Great job this morning Scott!
80# (jerk) 5# PR, Thanks Lisa!
165# – So uncomfortable with the split. Need to focus on this more.
CWOD: 3/4 Speed Annie (taper day for the Open)
50-40-30-20-10 Sit-ups and DUs
Nice work Russ on your Annie PR.
105# PR
135# worked with Bill and Anthony, stayed light to focus on form.
Last two days here in Mexico….
200 SU
5 Push-Ups/10 Squats/15 Sit Ups (5X)
160 SU
5 Push-Ups/10 Squats/15 Sit Ups (4X)
120 SU
5 Push-Ups/10 Squats/15 Sit Ups (3X)
timed out at :30
shoulder press 65# 5×5
For Time:
800M run
40 Power Cleans (75#)
30 KB (35#)
Straight technique day. Working on split.
100#, 5#pr from feb.
thank you Mel for all the help on form-makes a huge difference!
120# slowly testing what my braced knee can handle…
195# — 30# PR
5×200 row
:36 :37 :36 :37:37
215#, 20 off my PR. Gotta drop under the bar
205# (30# PR). Failed 215 4x but hopefully next time.
130# – 25# PR
Say WHAT? That’s a heck of a PR!
Thanks Megan! I’m kinda psyched!
285# 15# pr
Nice job Liz! You rocked it tonight!!
110# Hang power clean 7×3