WOD: Thu 03.10.2016 “Piece By Piece” Mel2017-03-31T16:28:47-04:00Tags: double under, push press, squat| Happy Birthday Sara!! WOD“Piece By Piece” AMRAP 10: 10 Push Press (95/65) 15 Squats 20 Double Unders Post Reps to Comments. Share this post with friends! FacebookXLinkedInEmail 20 Comments Lisa Thu 03.10.2016 at 6:46am 200 – 45#, 5 DUA 15 SU Brett Thu 03.10.2016 at 7:02am 230 65# 5 DUA, 15 SU Kathy C Thu 03.10.2016 at 7:45am 234 55#, 20 SU Pete Thu 03.10.2016 at 8:10am 254 65# 5 DUA then 15 singles. Ted Thu 03.10.2016 at 8:27am 185; 65# PP; SUs Carly Thu 03.10.2016 at 8:49am 277 55# 5DUA/15 SU zdn Thu 03.10.2016 at 8:52am 248 Rx. Dragging ass this morning but dubs were there nfitz Thu 03.10.2016 at 10:10am 205 rx britt Thu 03.10.2016 at 3:16pm 160 55#, 10du. Might be off a round and if so my number is 205, but double unders were so incredibly slow and ugly I think that’s right. Jim B Thu 03.10.2016 at 6:04pm 273 Rx Happy Birthday Sarah – I’m sure Bill’s doing something awesome for you tonight;-) KenM Thu 03.10.2016 at 6:45pm 325 Rx. DUs felt much better today! Great job 12:30! Newt Thu 03.10.2016 at 7:11pm 250 RX Got all my DUs but had a single between each one of them. Nicole Thu 03.10.2016 at 7:23pm 301RX Michele Thu 03.10.2016 at 7:29pm I did not go the full 10 minutes. Just did 5 rounds for time- 4:21rx. Jess Thu 03.10.2016 at 7:47pm 330 rx keith Thu 03.10.2016 at 8:10pm 333 Rx Liz P. Thu 03.10.2016 at 8:18pm 233, 45# and 40 SUs. David S Thu 03.10.2016 at 8:51pm 252 Rx – Still struggling with the DU’s, one good set of 18, a lot of 2,3’s… mariamaramag Thu 03.10.2016 at 9:09pm 286 55# all PP unbroken, 20 DUA lourdes Thu 03.10.2016 at 11:47pm 213 45# 10 DUA Comments are closed.
200 – 45#, 5 DUA 15 SU
230 65# 5 DUA, 15 SU
234 55#, 20 SU
254 65# 5 DUA then 15 singles.
185; 65# PP; SUs
277 55# 5DUA/15 SU
248 Rx. Dragging ass this morning but dubs were there
205 rx
160 55#, 10du. Might be off a round and if so my number is 205, but double unders were so incredibly slow and ugly I think that’s right.
273 Rx
Happy Birthday Sarah – I’m sure Bill’s doing something awesome for you tonight;-)
325 Rx. DUs felt much better today!
Great job 12:30!
250 RX
Got all my DUs but had a single between each one of them.
I did not go the full 10 minutes. Just did 5 rounds for time- 4:21rx.
330 rx
333 Rx
233, 45# and 40 SUs.
252 Rx – Still struggling with the DU’s, one good set of 18, a lot of 2,3’s…
286 55# all PP unbroken, 20 DUA
213 45# 10 DUA