#3goalstobetter CLINIC: Our 6th members-only clinic in our annual series is NUTRITION taking place this Sunday, June 19th from 9:00-10:00a during Open Gym. We will still hold Open Gym during its normal time of 9:00-11:00a.
At this clinic, our goal is to make changes to your current nutrition regime that will help bring you closer to your fitness goals. We ask that all attendees (no sign up, just show up) bring a 3 day nutrition log to the seminar. The nutrition log should include WHAT you ate, WHEN you ate it and approximately HOW MUCH you ate, the 3 days prior to the seminar. We will then make attainable goals/changes based on quality, quantity and nutrient timing.
2000 Meter Row
50 Pistols
30 Hang Cleans (225/135)
Post Time to Comments.
Compare scores HERE.
1 mile bike, 100 sit up, 1 mile bike: 11:22
19:19 box pistols, 85#
21:01 – box pistols, 75#
19:26. Box pistols/125#. Sets of 3
WB sit-ups cashout Thx Erica!
Note to self: row around 2:03
Way to pick that weight and crush it.
19:59 (205#)
2:00-2:05 row. Cleans 20# heavier and a little slower than last time. I’ll take it. Sets of 4 on cleans with a 3 to open and close.
Cleans looked great!
19:46 or 49? I forget. (8:43 row) #95 (sets of 3 and 4 maybe could have gone heavier. 24′ box pistols
That’s right were Mel wanted us in terms of time domain. Think your weights were spot because you maintained good technique!
Great job Jodi!
23:42 RX!! I am really proud of myself for going for that weight. Only 5lbs heavier (and lots slower) than the last time, but it’s that 5lbs “line” that I typically fail at.
Awesome job!
Nice work!
You killed it! Fun to watch.
Nice work Erica!
Way to go Erica!!!
22:01 185# next time sub 20…stood at the bar too long on the hang cleans at times
18:05 (165#)
One day, I’ll figure out hang cleans That said, this was :57 faster than 12/28/15 at the same 165# weight…so that’s a win.
14:15 (165)
19:50 (205#, 50 Box Pistols)
One minute slower but 20# heavier on the cleans and I only did air squats last time. Thanks for the push Bill…
17:43 185#, thx for keeping me moving, Kenny
19:15 – 165# Trying to keep pace with Jim and Kenny, nice push.
about 1:55 on the row, all 3’s on cleans
(a few boarder line pistols)
14 and change…
3:35 1k – Tied PR pace
7:15 2k – 24 second PR
Box pistols
75# cleans – going light and easy for a little bit
Nice to have you at the 8:30, Brian. You crushed the row!
Fun working out with you guys at 8:30! Nice job today!!
jeebus! great row Bri.
8:20 row
24″ box pistols
18:30 1 mile run/pistols/1 arm dbcl 35#
way to keep at it Nissa. #determined
16:50 80#/Asst pistols
20:44 — regular pistols w/10# plate; 105# cleans. Pistols took FOREVER. What a slog. But I enjoyed my time with the noonday crew.
21:38 assisted pistols / 105# building my leg strength back!
17:29 rig assisted pistols, 80#
Row felt horrible today, avg around 2:15ish/500.
18:30 asst pistols 125#
22:05 (120#)
PR my time and weight by 10#
I didn’t pay attention to time or much of anything else, but I did it when cleans get to my physically & mentally. So, that’s a win for me!
Forever [~29 minutes] @175# and 10#plate pistols
I no repped a bunch of pistols on my right leg (sore knee). Cleans were 20# heavier than last time — so that was the positive takeaway. Sets of 3s and 2s with lots of time in between. Row was 6:45 give or take.
“Wingman” partner WOD @ CFNE
Teams of 2:
100 Burpees
100 Toes to Bar
100 Jumping Lunges
100 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
100 Calorie Row
Partners divide up the work however they’d like to.
13:28rx (:04pr)
15:37 air squats (knee) and 125#. Couldn’t bounce my hang cleans because of my thigh but it was still at 4:25 PR
17:23 w 225 cleans (sets of 5). 70# goblet squats for the pistols