• Holiday Party: TONIGHT at 29 Sudbury from 7-10pm


“Would You Ever”
5 Rounds:
1 Clean and Jerks (225/155)
2 Front Squats
10 Calorie Bike or Row
Rest 1 Minute
*Pick up where you left off

WOD Guidance & Goal: Choose a weight based on your goals. If your goal is to have better endurance and aerobic capacity, choose a moderately heavy (65-75% 1 rep max) weight that you can clean and jerk right into the front squats and get more rounds. If your goal is to get stronger, choose a weight that’s challenging and you have to drop the bar between the jerk and the front squats, resulting in less rounds. The bike/row should take less than a minute to complete. Have the goal of completing two rounds per four minute interval. 

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