Every try to define FITNESS? CrossFit founder Greg Glassman, puts it into 100 words… which forms the guiding principles of CrossFit.


“Too Good at Goodbyes”
60/50 Cal Row
50 Sit Ups
400 Meter Run
30 Deadlifts (225/155)
20 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

WOD Guidance & Goal: Target 3 rounds. Keep a steady pace that you can maintain for 30 minutes. Smooth and steady on the row and sit-ups. On the deads, choose a weight that you can rep out 12-14 fresh. In the workout, execute deadlifts in sets of 5-10 and bar work in sets of 3-5 with small managed rests in between. This would be a great WOD to watch the clock between your sets. When you put down the deadlift or hop off your chest to bar, look immediately at the clock and count down, for example, 10 seconds, at which time you’ll get back on your next set. Take the thinking out of it… let the clock think for you!

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