• CROSSFIT INJURY PREVENTION & TREATMENT CLINIC:  TODAY, May 11th from 8:00-9:00am in Acton.
  • RUNNING CLINIC: Saturday, May 18th at 9a in Wayland. Space is limited, sign up at the front desk by May 15


5 Rope Climbs – 10 for wayland
25 Back Squats (155/105)
50 Burpees Over the Bar
75 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
1000 Meter Run
125 Double Unders

WOD Guidance & Goal: Rope climbs are with feet and control on the descent. Back squats, warm up to a weight you can get on your back safely and do at least 15 consecutive reps. Steady continuous set on the burpees. Kettlebell swings, choose a weight you can do 25 unbroken swings before placing the bell down. Run will take 6-8 minutes. Take a deep breath before the double unders to calm your heart rate so you can do a big set to start. Target 1+ Rounds. 

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