- Monday 5/27 – Wayland: 7a and 9a. Acton: 9a
“So Am I”
7 Rounds
7 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
7 Front Squats (135/95)
7 Strict Handstand Push Ups
WOD Guidance & Goal:
Pull ups, break 4-3 or go unbroken. Choose a weight for the front squat you can do straight sets for 4+ rounds. Handstands, do 4-3 or unborken. Target 10 minutes.
Post Time to Comments.
14:41 kpu, 45#, 1 ab +10#
16:42 rx
19:58 SHPU not all to standard
15:09 banded SPU, 50#, 2 ab mats
15:24, r&p band PUs( only r r 1-3), 65#, DB press, 20#rounds 1-3, then 15#
16:43 75#
10:18, RRS, 65# to bench, PUs to barbell
18:42 or something like that 1 ab mat +1 plate but not all HS to standard
15:15 Rx
13:56 2 abmats
16:37 — kpu; 75# FS to bench; HSPU w/1 abmat rds 1-4 and 1 abmet + 5# plate rds 5-7
kpu in sets of 4/3 except rd 1, which was 7 straight
55# gm
105# BS
Weighted situp
16:50 kippish PUs 2RBs, 75# GS, 25# seated dumbbell PP.
13:38, kpu / 85# / 1 ab mat + 15# pl
14:37 CTB for 4 rounds then ripped so went to ring rows / 85# / dB press
18:13 2 ab mats
15:40 rx
Shoulders smoked.
10:41 ring rows/65#/25#db seated press
3 c2b and 4 kpu per round
1 mat plus #5 plate- a few didn’t touch
16:36 85# kpu
12:34- kpu/85#/1 mat + 5#
14:44 5kpu (trying to string them together)/75#/2 ab mat
15:20 or 15:02?? 95#, CTB, 1 Mat SHSPU (some hair grazing)
14:00 w kipping hspu