- BARBELL CLUB: Starts a new 8 week cycle TODAY!! Need to work on olympic lifting technique, build strength or do both? Consistently joining a barbell class will do just that. This week is the perfect time to start! You’ll build on your strength/technique from week to week and see/feel significant results in the next two months.
- Wayland: Tues at 6:30a and Thurs 6:30p
- Acton: Wed at 6:3op and Sat 8a
- RISE-N-GRIND: Starts in Wayland THIS SUNDAY 9/1 at 8am!
- LABOR DAY SCHEDULE: 2 Classes, 7a and 9a ONLY at both locations!
- TEEN CLASSES: Start next week 9/3. Classes will run Tuesday and Thursdays at 4:30p in both ACTON and WAYLAND!
4 Rounds
50′ Handstand Walk
20 Toes to Ring
10 Strict Ring Dips
5 Box Jumps (30/24)
WOD Guidance & Goals:
Bodyweight madness! Scaling options for handstand walks are attempts or 5 wall walks. Toes to rings are easier than toes to bar, give them a try! A bigger, slower kip is key. For ring dips, use a band or do jumping ring dips and finish with jumping to a challenging height for the box jumps. Target 12-15 minutes.
Post Time to Comments.
20:51 ww/ring dips with red band/20” BOX JUMPS!!!!
YEs yes yes!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Yeah Emily!!!
18:51 wall walks, box dips
18:32 25’/TTR & TTB/sm purple band
Thanks for the HSW help Mel, on a mission to work on this and get rid of hyper extending.
18:58 hs walk attempts, 1 round x20, 3 round x 10 + 10 kn up, red band dips, 20”
17:58 15# Tri curls instead of dips.
22:11 (wrote 23:11 the n whiteboard but I forgot the delayed start)
Mods: 25’ walk after rd 1, purple band ring dips after rd 2
Ring dips w band then bench dips. Fun wod!!!
18:44 Rx
17:23 5 WW/12 Toes to Rings/Black band RDs/24″ box
I did 15 RDs per round. I don’t know why.
18:45 WW/KUs/24″
17:17 rx
17:45 scale city 5 WWs, 20 ring dings, 10 RBRDs, 20” BJs/round
14:36 rx
— with the rookie move of stopping after 3 rounds (thx Erica for the reminder) *flergh*
17:35 box dips
18:42 Rx
19:15, wall walks & red band
18:07 – wall walks / half toe 2 ring & knee up / dips with red bands