- Wayland: No Teens
“Second Emotion”
5 Power Snatch (115/75)
7 Toes to Bar
9 Box Jumps (24″)
WOD Guidance & Goals:
Do not go out HOT on this workout! Steady and on the line of uncomfortable is the pace you want to maintain for 20 minutes. Choose a weight for power snatches that you can do for 5 reps unbroken throughout the workout. Toes to bar do in one consecutive set as long as possible then break into 4/3 reps. Box jumps, slow cycle time to manage your breath and get ready for the next round. Target 7 rounds.
Post Rounds to Comments.
1: Block snatch: 10 rounds- Every 2 minutes, compete:
3x squat snatch from launch position. Work up to a max triple for the day.
2: 5 rounds (10 minutes) – EMOM, complete
5x snatch push press (work up to a max set of 5 in the 5 sets)
10-15m seated sled pull (AHAP)
11+1, 40#, KU, stepups
12+20, 55# cleans, LL, stepups (red stool)
10+20 – not all TTB rx
11+2 rx
10+2@85lbs knee ups
7 rounds 60#, 5 rounds TTB – working on inking them, then hand ripped, band aid, tape etc, 2 rounds with v ups
11+13 rx
Yesterday’s thrusters/front squats say hello.
— went to single snatches to save grip. TTB straight. grind out the box jumps.
PC 75#
75#/ 14# mb vups/24″
Palm has a pretty gnarly rip, 14# mb vups were a great mod!
Monday’s BBC BS&FS after…spent!
Db snatch, rkbs, step ups #29weekspreggers
6+9 #65
fewer rounds but did all the t2b which I usually avoid!
snatches unbroken.
t2b one or two sets of 4, a few sets of 3. mostly 2 and singles.
9 rds even, 85#
In the spirit of the “chalk talk”’post:
Snatches straight in the 1st 2 rounds then 3/2. Ttb – lines 4s and 3s a couple times. The rest of the time, did a kip in between each ttb. Went 10# heavier than i planned and it was good.
“Linked” ttb, not “lines”
Haha! Yessss! You’ll love seeing that the next time we do this WOD!
10+3 55#/ step ups
11+2 rx
1st 4 sets t2b unbroken.
Then grippy 4/3 then singles
9 @ 85# / KU
9+5 Rx
Mods in crowded hotel gym – 9+17 / 10 45# DB snatches / 7 LL / 9 lunges w 30# DBs
11+ 5 at 65#
9 + 10 Rx
11+4 (95# & Step Ups. I’m a mess.)
9+1 at 70#
9 @ 65#
10+19 rx
9 + 12 @ 85# and Knee ups
10+12 55# / TTB/KU
10 + 12, #50
SeaBass 10, #95
11+19 95#/knee ups/step ups 20”
9- 20, 55#.. and did 9 TTB for some number of rounds 🤦♀️