FRI WOD Recording
“Open 20.4”
30 Box Jumps
15 Clean and Jerks
30 Box Jumps
15 Clean and Jerks
30 Box Jumps
10 Clean and Jerks
30 Pistols
10 Clean and Jerks
30 Pistols
5 Clean and Jerks
30 Pistols
5 Clean and Jerks
Height: 24/20
Weights: 95/65, 135/85, 185/115, 225/145, 275/175, 315/205
30 Step Ups
15 Clean and Jerks
30 Step Ups
15 Clean and Jerks
30 Step Ups
10 Clean and Jerks
30 Assisted Pistols
10 Clean and Jerks
30 Assisted Pistols
5 Clean and Jerks
30 Assisted Pistols
5 Clean and Jerks
Height: 24/20
Weights: 75/55, 115/75, 135/95, 155/105, 165/115, 175/125
20 Step Ups
10 Clean and Jerks
20 Step Ups
10 Clean and Jerks
20 Step Ups
10 Clean and Jerks
20 Close Stance Squats
10 Clean and Jerks
20 Close Stance Squats
5 Clean and Jerks
20 Close Stance Squats
5 Clean and Jerks
Height: 20
Weights: 55/35, 65/45, 75/55, 95/65, 115/75, 135/95
This workout kicks off with box jumps, do not go guns blazing, find a nice steady pace and hold to it. Step ups are an option, do a few toward the end of each set to catch your breath. The first set of clean and jerks you should be able to cycle through 10 reps before breaking. The next set, do sets of 5 reps.
Post Reps or Time to Comments.
30 Box Jumps
15 Burpees
30 Box Jumps
15 Burpees
30 Box Jumps
10 In + Outs
30 Pistols
10 In + Outs
30 Pistols
5 Sit to Stands
30 Pistols
5 Sit to Stands
55, 65, 75, 85 step ups, pistols to ball
95, 115, 135
All jumps and pistols
5 @ 225# which I think is 165 reps (math is hard); all step ups to keep the heart rate down.
Thanks for the push, Mel & Sammy!
204 reps -24″ step ups and assisted pistols (4 @115)
put 115 instead of 105 and wasted some time fixing it.
Box jumps then Med ball step ups
200 reps
steps/assisted pistols
217 Reps. Cleans only. #185 last set. Assisted Pistols. A mix of Box Jumps and Step ups
160 MCx
Then C&J of 120/125/130
so total 163
160 mcx (step ups)
Then single cleans in remaining time.. 5 reps total and worked up to 140!!
Thanks mel 🙂
192 Masters 55+ scaled (@ 105# 2 C&J, 8 PCs)
Last time 187 Masters 55+ scaled
MAx 170 55/75/95/105
202 -#55, #65, #75, #85, #95
Jumps for 2 rounds, and pistols w/ plate underfoot
@Home WOD: warm-up 2 mile run then step ups, DB cleans (20#) and pistols to the bench., 10 min bike to close it off…no timer.
236 jumps, rig assist pistols 55,65,85,95,100
Step ups; assisted pistols