THU WOD Recording



3 Rounds
12 Chest to Bars
9 Bar Over Burpees
6 Front Squats
Rest 5 Minutes
36 Chest to Bars
27 Bar Over Burpees
18 Front Squats

Weight: 185/135

3 Rounds
12 Pull Ups
9 Bar Over Burpees
6 Front Squats
Rest 5 Minutes
36 Pull Ups
27 Bar Over Burpees
18 Front Squats

Weight: 135/95

3 Rounds
9 Ring Row
6 Burpees
3 Front Squats
Rest 5 Minutes
27 Ring Row
18 Burpees
9 Front Squats

Weight: 95/65

Same movements, same reps, but TWO DIFFERENT WAYS!! Which one will be faster?? The triplet and the chipper will be completed around the same time. But the triplet could be faster with smaller sets that can be completed unbroken with less rest.

Choose a weight for the front squat that you can complete the first set of six front squats unbroken. For the triplet, complete movements unbroken as long as possible. For the chipper do pull ups in six sets of six, keep a steady pace on the burpees, then target three sets of six for the front squats. Target sub 10 minutes for both workouts.
Courtesy of CFM

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3 Rounds
12 V-Up
9 Burpees
6 Squats
Rest 5 Minutes
36 V-Ups
27 Burpees
18 Squats


2 miles, then
10 x 200 meters, rest :90 between sets