Schedule Change: Fourth of July Week

    • TODAY 7/5: ONE Class at 8:30a
    • Thursday- Sunday: Regular Schedule

Summer Spirit Fridays

  • Friday 7/7: NEON!!


“Without You”

3 Rounds:
400 Meter Run
21 Box Jumps
12 Cleans 

Height: 24/20
Weight: 165/115

3 Rounds:
400 Meter Run
15 Box Jumps
12 Cleans 

Height: 20″
Weight: 115/75

3 Rounds:
300 Meter Run
21 Step Ups
12 Cleans 

Weight: 75/55

Run the 400’s at a moderate pace, aiming to finish around two minutes. Catch your breath on the box jumps. Jump up, breath at the top then step down. When your second foot hits the floor, plan to jump right back up to keep you moving forward. Choose a weight for the cleans you can do for 3 sets of 4 consecutive reps and by the last round fast doubles and triples. Target 12-15 minutes.

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