BABY SPRINKLE FOR COACH JESS: EVERYONE is invited to a baby sprinkle for COACH JESS, who is expecting baby number TWO!

  • WHEN: Saturday, February 10th at 9:30a (right after the 8:30a class)
  • WHERE: Daybreak
  • WHAT: Food (coffee, egg bites, and bagels) + Fun
  • BRING: If you’d like, bring a pack of diapers (any size)



100 Pull Ups
100 Push Ups
100 Sit Ups
100 Squats

75 Banded Pull Ups
75 Push Ups
75 Sit Ups
75 Squats

50 Ring Rows
50 Knee Push Ups
50 Sit Ups
50 Squats

100?! Yes, 100 reps of all four bodyweight movements. You must complete ALL of the pull ups before moving to the push ups, and ALL of the push ups before moving to sit ups, etc. If 100 reps sounds like too many of one movement, SCALE! For the pull ups and push ups, chip away at small manageable sets with short breaks. Do the sit ups in big sets (maybe even one continuous set) and squats move through at a steady pace. Target 20 minutes

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