WED WOD Recording: The Operator
WED Core + Mobility: Here


“Go Bang”
30 Dumbbell Facing Burpees
30 Push Press
100 Meter Dumbbell Carry
20 Dumbbell Facing Burpees
20 Push Press
200 Meter Dumbbell Carry
10 Dumbbell Facing Burpees
10 Push Press
300 Meter Dumbbell Carry

WOD Guidance & Goals:
Facing your dumbbell, complete 30 burpees jumping over the dumbbell with two feet. You do not have to open your hips or clap at the top. Take the same dumbbell (suggested: 50/35) and do 15 dumbbell push press (dip, drive then press NO redip at the knees or hips) then switch arms for another 15 reps. If you have two dumbbells (or kettlebells) do 15 total reps. Then, take one dumbbell held across your chest, and run/skip/jog/walk 100 meters. The next round you’ll do 20 reps of each movement but a 200 meter carry. Third round is 10 reps with a 300 meter carry. Target 12 minutes. 


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