• St.Patty’s Day: This Thursday 3/17 is St.Patty’s Day wear your festive workout gear or green, orange and/or white!
  • Snatch Clinic: This Saturday 3/19 at 10am, work on dialing in your mechanics on the snatch. Sign up on Triib starting Thu 3/17. Space is limited


“How Low Can You Go”

2 Rounds
400 Meter Run
25 Deadlifts
50 Wall Balls
5 Rope Climbs

Weight: 185/135, 20/14

2 Rounds
400 Meter Run
25 Deadlifts
50 Wall Balls
3 Rope Climbs

Weight: 155/105, 14/10

2 Rounds
300 Meter Run
15 Deadlifts
30 Wall Balls
15 Ring Rows
15 Dips

Weight: 115/75, 10/6

Rope Climbs! Start each round with a steady but not blazing fast run. You should feel like you can pick up your barbell right away for at least 10-15 reps. Break the deadilfts into 15/10 reps or 10/5/5/5. Break the wall balls into 15/15/10/10 and then chip away at your rope climbs. Try to hop back on the rope every :10 so the climbs only take a minute to complete. Target 15 minutes

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2 Rounds
400 Meter Run
25 V-Ups
50 Lunges


8x400m, rest :60