
  • We’ve had great responses to the survey we emailed to all members last week. If you haven’t completed the survey please do so by the end of the week. The more feedback we receive the better we can make your experience here at Daybreak. If you didn’t receive the email with link, let one of the coaches know!
  • Dudes – Rap is hosting an impromptu “Dude’s” night this Friday (6/11) at 6:45pm at DCF. There will be 4 team WODs that are tough but accessible. Teams of 2 or 3 will be randomly selected on site. RSVP to Rap ([email protected])by Thursday if interested in throwing down.
  • Ladies – While the Dudes have their fun, we’re going to sit back, relax and BBQ at Coach Kate’s place. This Friday 6/11 at 7pm. Post to comments if you’ll be joining us and post a dish that you’ll bring! Kate’s address will be available at the gym.

Every Minute on the Minute for 14 Minutes:
Odd: :30 Max Calories on Rower
Even: :30 Max Double Unders

Post Lowest and Highest Rep/Cals to Comments.