WOD: Fri 08.08.2014 “Angie”

2014-11-05T10:54:17-05:00Tags: , , |

100 Pull Ups
100 Push Ups
100 Sit Ups
100 Squats

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  1. Scott
    Scott Fri 08.08.2014 at 7:16am

    Angie: 22:06 Rx Pr

    • zdn
      zdn Fri 08.08.2014 at 9:07am

      you should have rung the bell

  2. Bill
    Bill Fri 08.08.2014 at 7:26am

    19:59 Rx

  3. Kathy C
    Kathy C Fri 08.08.2014 at 7:28am

    “Angie” 25:00, 50 blue band PUs(struggle to complete), 100,100,100, sit-ups and squats unbroken!

  4. jason3366
    jason3366 Fri 08.08.2014 at 7:42am

    18:48 rx

  5. Michele
    Michele Fri 08.08.2014 at 8:01am

    26:52 RX
    Feel really good about my movement today. Getting better with the bodyweight stuff.

  6. Amanda W
    Amanda W Fri 08.08.2014 at 8:39am

    13:15 – 50 of each, jumping pull-ups, knee push ups. You all are amazing.

  7. Erica
    Erica Fri 08.08.2014 at 9:03am

    Angie aka skull crusher – 23:20, 1:21 PR! Thank you bill for getting me ice and everyone for taking care of me!

    • Kathy C
      Kathy C Fri 08.08.2014 at 9:10am

      Erica, hope you are ok!

      • Erica
        Erica Fri 08.08.2014 at 2:24pm

        All good thank you Kathy! My actual time was 23:44.
        Great job today so far everyone! More PRs to come tonight!!

  8. zdn
    zdn Fri 08.08.2014 at 9:06am

    “Angie” – 19:15 (I think – need to check the board) Rx. ~4 min PR.

    • Rap
      Rap Fri 08.08.2014 at 6:49pm


  9. AK
    AK Fri 08.08.2014 at 9:47am

    Angie: 31:59 blue band pull ups, knee push ups.
    Thanks for the push 8:30 🙂

    • AK
      AK Fri 08.08.2014 at 11:58am

      First date with Angie on Dec 12, 2012 @ CFNE. One of my FIRST WODS “20:28 Scaled to 50reps: 25w/green band, 25jumping off black plate w/green band; knee push up battle, felt good with ab mat sit ups; focused on form with squats.”

    • Rap
      Rap Fri 08.08.2014 at 4:34pm

      You earned that one AK. Way to dig in and get it!

    • laura C
      laura C Fri 08.08.2014 at 5:26pm

      nice work!!!

  10. Kevin Clarke
    Kevin Clarke Fri 08.08.2014 at 10:01am

    “Angie”, 25:00?, 50 green band PUs, 100 knee push-ups ,60 sit-ups, 100 air squats

  11. Eric
    Eric Fri 08.08.2014 at 10:02am

    Angie — 13:12 i think (50s, blue band on pullups)

  12. laura C
    laura C Fri 08.08.2014 at 10:57am

    Angie: 22:16 RX. A 19 second PR BUT a PR is a PR!

    • JayCash
      JayCash Fri 08.08.2014 at 2:19pm

      Yes it is.

  13. Susan Stein
    Susan Stein Fri 08.08.2014 at 11:12am

    Angie: 20:12 (did 19 strict blue band pull ups, then switched to green band for the final 31- that’s a total of 50; 35# Russian swings for push ups)
    Andrew- Angie: 25:01 RX

  14. Jim B
    Jim B Fri 08.08.2014 at 11:25am

    Angie: 17:17 Rx

  15. Tony P
    Tony P Fri 08.08.2014 at 11:51am

    Angie: 22:46 Rx, Pushups were my downfall

  16. Jess
    Jess Fri 08.08.2014 at 12:25pm

    19:19 80 pull ups before ripping my hands off, 20 ring rows

  17. smfoley38
    smfoley38 Fri 08.08.2014 at 1:30pm

    ACK-WOD. Another power Wod.. Looking forward to a few rest day’s… Then back at on Monday.. Angie looked like a killer!

    Warm up: 800 meter run

    2.EMOM 15 minutes
    Even: 5 Power Snatch. 45#
    Odd: 35 DU’s. 70 SU

    3.WOD. Rx
    5 RFT
    200 m run
    15 Wall Balls. 14#
    12 Pushups

  18. Rap
    Rap Fri 08.08.2014 at 1:49pm

    15:29 rx (over 1 min PR)
    Nooners on fire today. Cash, Andrew (new guy), Dr. Jay, Kenny all killed it.

    • Jim B
      Jim B Fri 08.08.2014 at 1:50pm

      nice work!

  19. JayCash
    JayCash Fri 08.08.2014 at 2:21pm

    17:59. Which was good for 5th in the 12:30. I almost passes out trying to keep up with that crew. Awesomeness.

  20. Andrew Pants
    Andrew Pants Fri 08.08.2014 at 2:32pm

    16:21 RX. First “Angie” Don’t think i’ll be feeling my arms for the rest of the day. Awesome 12:30 class! So fired up to be a part of the Daybreak Community.

    • Rap
      Rap Fri 08.08.2014 at 4:38pm

      Welcome to Daybreak, Andrew! Great throwing down with you today.

  21. lawrencejennifer05
    lawrencejennifer05 Fri 08.08.2014 at 3:28pm

    Angie 18:09 RX, over 3 minutes higher than my PR, but I feel good about my standards so will leave it at that.

    • JayCash
      JayCash Fri 08.08.2014 at 4:18pm

      Wow. Your PR is awesome.

    • laura C
      laura C Fri 08.08.2014 at 5:25pm

      when I grow up I want to do Push ups like you!!! So much fun to chase you today… you kept me going..well, until you finished like 4 min before me!!

  22. SusanKD
    SusanKD Fri 08.08.2014 at 7:30pm

    Angie-50 reps, 12:28, jump pull ups, knee push ups. Good to be back

  23. lisar
    lisar Fri 08.08.2014 at 8:19pm

    Angie- 26.21, 50 band pull ups, 100 PU, SU, and Air squats

  24. Nicole
    Nicole Fri 08.08.2014 at 8:25pm

    Angie- 17:00 (25 KPU) 100 PU, SU, and Air squats

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