Classes: 6a, 9a and 5:3op
Cleans (135/95)
Handstand Push Ups
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3 Front Squats + 1 Jerk
6 sets
Snatch Balance (no dip)
Classes: 6a, 9a and 5:3op
Cleans (135/95)
Handstand Push Ups
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3 Front Squats + 1 Jerk
6 sets
Snatch Balance (no dip)
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15:21. 125#/BHSPU
Cashout dus in 5m 1-2-3…15
12:53 – 75#, bench HSPU on knees
11:26 80# BHPU toes
14:58 135#, 1st 20 Hspu Rx, last 30 1 abmat
15:21 Rx – anything but stellar 😉
Barbell club afterward- woot woot!!!!
3x(squat squat squat jerk)x6; adding weight each time; final weight at 175# 🙂
WAIT- I lied! I used 1 an mat!!!
18:08 Rx
15:38 135#/10#plate & 1 ab mat
Barbell –
front squat to press 175#
Snatch balance 85#
Barbell hip thrusting
11:55 135# 1 ab mat strict HSPU
13:21, 65#, BHSPUs, toes for 5/10 for 15, 5 toes, 5 knees, 5 toes, 20 1/2 t 1/2 kn
Barbell 70#/ 40# Happy Birthday Cheryl!!
Great energy @ 5:30 and way to kick butt 6:30! Happy Birthday Cheryl!!!
10:50 Rx
Happy Birthday Cheryl
10:50? 75#, HSPUs
110 WBs
My doctor says ‘Well you’re not quite obese, but . . ..’ WTF doc?
Did you have a physical? CHANGE DOCTORS!
Don’t worry Ted! I’m obese according to my doctor as well. We can all be obese together. What a crock! I need to look for a new doctor as well.
Yeah BMI is just a (sh*t) number ?!
5 (miserable) miles outside – gotta get my running mojo back.
100 WB’s tomorrow (Fri) as I can’t get to the gym today and am gone all weekend.
Happy bday, Cheryl!
14:31 (1 ab mat)
15:47 #85/ 1 mat +#10 plate
Notes – cleans felt really good, prob could have gone Rx weight (would have taken longer). Next time!!!
tried to switch to #5 plate in round of 10 but didn’t workout and went back to #10 plate
15:01 75#/1 ab plus 2.5 plate
11:37 85#, 9# KB presses-skipped the last 15 on the left side when it said “enough.”
14:08 135#, 1am
12:50 75#, bench hspu
50 wbs (10#) for a total of 200
Ydays endurance wod after except accidentally did 800s instead of 600s. Argh.
11:46? 75# muscle cleans and 1 abmat
13:21 Rx – all cleans from the ground – FINALLY!
15mile bike pre-wod, working on endurance.
9:30 Rx.
5/5 – 10/10 – 8,7/6,5,4 – 10,3,2,1,1,1,1/5,6,5,2,1,1
Crushed it dude!
10:33 1 ab mat strict HSPU / cleans at 95#
12:something or 13:something- don’t remember what I put on the board
Rx clean & improved to 1Ab mat + 5lb weight for HSPU
14:48 – 1 abmat
8:25 rx
Cleans: 5, 10, 5s on out.
HSPU: 5, 5/5, 2-4s on out.
Cleans unbroken
Hspu could have been lower on many reps. Hair brushing the turf. Something to work on.
15:29 – 105#, 1 abmat
10:06 Rx
50 20# wall balls for fun.
65# and bench hspus. 11:37.
9:?? Bench Push Ups