- Congratulations to all 15 Daybreakers who participated in this past weekend’s Vermont Spartan Beast obstacle course race. This race was a grueling 13 miles, with over 7,000 feet in elevation gain and 32 obstacles. While everyone who toed-the-line this weekend is a winner in our books, we’d be remiss if we didn’t give a special congrats to Dusty Ladieu (3nd in age group), Martin Madaus (3rd in age group) and Mel Ockerby (4th in age group) who just smashed the competition this weekend. Well done, Daybreakers, well done.
- Internal Halloween Team Competition and Social Announced! Details in our newsletter, but the save the date: SATURDAY, OCT 28 from 8:00-11:00am, and catered social for all participants to follow. No cost to members to enter and eat! Sign up at front desk.
- Everyone should have received our seasonal newsletter (by 8pm tonight, Sunday) with announcements and updates to all our class schedules. If you did NOT receive it, please reach out to [email protected] so we can check the email address associated with your account profile.
Push Press
“Heroes + Villains”
10 Push Ups
200 Meter Run
30 Sit Ups
Post Weight and Rounds to Comments. Compare scores HERE.
4x800m, 3 min rest
5+5 Rx
95# (pr), 5 rx (4+60 last time)
75#, 3 + 1 rx
5+2 Rx – Great three-way battle with Melissa and Pancho!
Hey Willis! I was in that mix too. How’d you miss me???
I just figured you had to be so far ahead of us that we were fighting for second! 🙂
Good answer. We’re friends again.
90# x 3 x 2; 10 SUs shy of 4 rounds.
4+10. 12 cal bike.
185# / 4+330 rx
Drop in at Brick Chicago:
5×10 front squat (45-135-145-155-165-165)
4 rounds 50 dubs/15 power snatch
13:25 95#
Missing Daybreak…
5+10+100 rx
Wrote 100 on board by mistake
got 50 on the run
165# for push press
4+232 for the WOD…if only I could do sit-ups faster…dang villains!!!
5+85 rx
CONGRATS to everyone that did the spartan this weekend! You guys are amazing!
155# / 6+10 (12 cal row)
congrats to everyone that competed in that race from hell over the weekend. amazing job!
205# / 4+10 and about 100 yards. knee not amazing today,.
4 + 210 … my legs felt 100 times better after the WOD than before… I can actually wall down stairs now… #155
Tried to catch Moon on the last run, she just kept pulling away… great work 12:30 !!!
75#, 4+212 Rx
Active recovery day – was very happy to just move. I’m so incredibly sore from the Beast. Prob felt the best on that last run. Warming up was brutal. Thanks Mel for convincing me to go.
120# / 4+230. (4+160 last time)
Push Press – 185#
WOD – 5+10 Rx
95# 4 RX
Barbell: 3 Front Squats to Split Jerk – worked on split form. Kept weight light – stopped at 105#
Hatch 21
Wod 5+10 pushups and 200m run on the screws
Congrats to Spartans. Hope you did the perfect cheer
El Guapo
No PP for me
4+200 rx
try drinking more water
El Guapo
60# then 3+10 rx.
BBC- 3 FS to Jerk 95#
115#/ 5+40rx
125# – 4+10