TUE WOD Recording: 5K Warm Up
TUE KIDS Recording: Here
“Tie Me Down”
15 Dumbbell Hang Squat Clean
12 V-Ups
9 Tuck Jumps
Rest 5 Min
NOT for time
2 Rounds
60 1-Arm Bent Over Row
50 Bicep Curls
40 Seated Press
30 Skull Crushers
20 Lat Pull Overs
Post Time to Comments.
WOD Guidance & Goals:
For the AMRAP 15, hold both ends of the dumbbell for the hang squat cleans and try to do 10 reps before resting. The v-ups, go unbroken as long as possible. Scaling for v-ups are tuck-ups. Try to rebound your tuck jumps.Scaling for tuck jumps are jumping jacks. Target 8+ rounds. The “not for time” portion of the workout is accessory work. Do 60 total 1-arm db rows (30/side), 50 bicep curls (25/side), 40 db seated press (20/side), 30 total skull crushers and 20 total lat pull overs.
Suggested DB wt: 50/35
Suggested BB wt: 115/75
1) Back Squat: 3-5 sets x 5 reps within 90% of 5 RM on Monday
2) Power jerk: 3-5 sets x 5 reps within 90% of 5 RM on Monday
3) Bench press: Work up to a 5 RM. Then 5 reps @ 95% 5 RM, 5 reps @ 90% 5 RM.
20 Jumping Jacks
10 Air Squats
20 High Knees
10 Good Mornings
20 Butt Kickers
10 Alternating Lunges
20 Lateral Hops
10 Push Ups
20 Mountain Climbers
10 Sit Ups
Arm + Leg Swings
Touchdowns + Fig 4s
10 DB Good Mornings
10 DB Deadlifts
10 DB Squats
10 DB Press
10 DB Sit Up
Roll Back to Vs
Windshield Wipers
Run 30 sec out/back (or 4 flights of stairs)
10 Side Shuffles Left
10 Side Shiffles Right
10 Karaoke Left
10 Karaoke Right
10 Skips
10 Skater Hops
Calf Pedals
5+15 35#,tuck ups,9 dubs
6+12 with 65# bb
the not for time part with a wide selection: 25#/20#/15#
8+23 45#db v-tuck ups
1 round of 45# for other stuff but just now saw the 2 rounds
6+19, 40#, tuck ups, 9 box jumps
2nd part: 20# / 15#
Happy Birthday Michelle!!
8+4- 25#
1 mile run = 4 total
8 rounds – 75# hpc, 18 jj per round
30 row w 55# bb
Remainder w 25# db
6+15 35# (tuck-up/v-up hybrid; dubs)
25# accessory work
5 + 3 95#DB, V-ups (without touching), Double-unders
Second Workout: 40#DB
6 + 2 35#
Secondary 35#
Rds – ? I think 7
Used 45# barbell
Did sit ups
Part 2
Used40#/25#/20#/20# plus lat pull down machine
5+15 115#
1 mile run
8+34, 25# db for hang sq cl’s
Used 10# db for accessory work
5+5 75# BB – been a long time since I’ve done that. It was hard!
25# DB for 2 rds
Happy Birthday Michelle!!!
5+27 20# x 2 for hang squat cleans
20” box jump instead of tuck up. She just came yesterday – so had to take it for a spin 🙂
accessory work 30#, 15#
9+ 7 25#db
25#db for accessory work. (Half reps seated press)
Happy birthday Michelle!
6+18 50#DB
Did 1 round of the accessory work: 45#/25#/35#x2/35#/35#x2
Happy birthday Michelle!!
6+1 75# bb
25#/15# wowza
6+7 (115#)
Tuck jumps weren’t nearly as bad on my knees as anticipated.
4+15 25#, jjs
then 2x- 20#, 12#, 20#/15#, 15#, 20#
1 mi walk
1 mile
Knee tucks
Unbroken throughout
6+1 – 2 25# DB squat cleans/tuck ups -accessory work: 25# rows, 15# for everything else THAT WAS INTENSE!
7.5 total miles
6+4 65#bb
1 round w/25#db
4+11 #75
5 burpees for tuck jumps
6+5 w/ 95# — V/Knee-Ups
5+19 95#
50# / 30# for the accessory work
7 55# bb
15# accessory work
Mod: 6+9
1round of cashout, mod of course!
55# bb (can’t remember rds)
25# for rows and curls
20# for the rest
8 rounds? 20#