WED WOD Recording: Here
“Not Quite Atalanta”
50 Handstand Push Ups
50 Pistols
50 Pull Ups
800 Meter Run
50 Abmat Handstand Push Ups
50 Assisted Pistols
50 Banded Pull Ups
800 Meter Run
30 Bench Push Ups
30 Lunges
30 Bent Over Rows
400 Meter Run
A VERY scaled version on the 2020 CF Games workout, Atalanta. For those members who wish to stay outdoors, please choose the “Move” movements, with the option to scale up on reps/meters. For the runs, target 4 minutes, scale down meters to be within :30 of this goal. The handstands, pistols and pull ups are UNPARTITIONED. Complete all handstand push ups (w/abmat, bench or db press) before moving onto pistols. Start with a big set of push ups before chipping away with smaller sets and short breaks. The pistols (assisted, lunges or squats) alternate legs for a total of 50 reps. Find a steady pace on the pistols and try not to take any major pauses. The pull ups, like the handstand push ups, start with a bigger set then chip away with smaller sets and short breaks. Complete this workout by running the fastest 800 you can! Target 20 minutes.
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50 Inverted Push Ups
50 Pistols
800 Meter Run
22:45, 2 ab mats (first 15 also a 5lb plate), pistols to ball
19:43 (20# DB press/row, lunges, 600m)
15:10, 400m, 50 seated DB Press, 50 lunges, 50 bent over row, 400 m run 15# DB
20:44 so so pistols…
No time: 3 kipping/47 strict (2 abmats) HSPU, 50 ugly pistols (elevated heel), 25 strict PUs
19:33 (subbed close air squats for pistols. Rest MCx)
18:10 800m Row/1st 35 HSPU with 2 abMats+5# plate, last 15 reps sans plate/pistols to bench/25 PullUps
20:04 MVx+
800 runs/50 each of HSPU from feet/40# lunges/20# rows
21:46? MCx w/ 1 ab mat & 5# plate for HSPU
I died but I loved that
48 strict, 49-50 kipped… one ab mat
Pole assisted pistols
Rest Mcx
25 box hspu, 25 pike
rest MCx*
according to Jamal, a “majority” of the pistols were good 😀
1mile bike/2 ab mats/pistols to bench
22:01 – MC seated db press 15#
hspu from box, pistols with band, 25 strict pu with band
21:37 pistols off box
15:51 MCx
19:52 mcx
22:31, 2 ab mats / pistols to ball / KPU
20;xx 800m row, 2 ab mat HSPU, step ups, 35 banded strict pull ups, 800m row.
Did Tues wod:
MA- hrpu/kB swings 25#/kB step ups 17”/sit-ups/box jumps 14 1/2”- 3+19
19:05 run/30 HSPU/50 lunges/50 PU/run
18:03 – Box HSPU / assisted pistols
23:38 only 20 kipping HSPU, rest MCx
19:05 – pikes, box pistols, 25 band supported pull ups
50 assisted pistols each side
Strict pull-ups
28.27. Box push ups, pistols with a band