
5 x AMRAP 5
5 Wall Balls
3 Handstand Push Ups
1 Clean
*rest 1 min b/w rounds

Weights: 20/14, 225/155

5 x AMRAP 5
5 Wall Balls
3 Abmat Handstand Push Ups
1 Clean
*rest 1 min b/w rounds

Weights: 14/10, 155/105

4 x AMRAP 5
5 Wall Balls
3 Push Ups
1 Clean
*rest 1 min b/w rounds

Weight:10/6, 115/75

Hero WOD time, but with a twist! Every AMRAP keep wall balls and handstand push ups unbroken. Take one to two deep breaths before doing one clean. The clean weight should feel heavy! Your goal is to complete 4-5 rounds per AMRAP 5, and only FULL ROUNDS COUNTS (like the workout “The Chief”). Record total Rounds.

Compare “Holleyman” Scores HERE

U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Aaron N. Holleyman, 27, of Glasgow, Montana, assigned to the 1st Battalion, 5th Special Forces Group, based in Fort Campbell, Kentucky, was killed on August 30, 2004, when his military vehicle hit an improvised explosive device in Khutayiah, Iraq. He is survived by his daughters Shelby and Erin, son Zachary, parents Ross and Glenda, and siblings Kelly and Daniel.

Post Total Rounds to Comments.


30 Rounds
5 Squats
3 Push Ups
100 Meter Run


10x:60 hill repeats, walk down