
With a Partner
50 Medball Over Rig
50 Medball Sit Up Toss
400 Meter Medball Bear Hug Carry
50 Medball Twist and Toss
50 Partner Wall Balls

Weight: 20/14

With a Partner
50 Medball Over Rig
50 Medball Sit Up Toss
400 Meter Medball Bear Hug Carry
50 Medball Twist and Toss
50 Partner Wall Balls

Weight: 14/10

With a Partner
30 Medball Over Rig
30 Medball Sit Up Toss
300 Meter Medball Bear Hug Carry
30 Medball Twist and Toss
30 Partner Wall Balls

Weight: 10/6

New movements! You and your buddy will start by tossing your medball back and forth 50 times up and over the pull up rig. Yup, a good old fashioned game of catch. Then you’ll complete medball sit ups, tossing the ball to each other between reps. On the medball bear hug carry, you can switch as many times as you’d like, but the medball must stay in the front of your body as if you’re giving it a hug. Sit next to your partner for the Russian twists, again tossing the ball to your partner between every rep, and at the twenty-fifth rep flip around so you’re twisting/tossing the opposite direction. For the wall balls, stand next to each other, squat and toss the ball to touch the wall between you and your partner. As it comes down, partner two catches it and does a wall ball toward partner one. Have fun!

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