- Beast Coast Barbell: Starts at North this week! Wednesday nights at 6:30p and Saturday mornings at 10a
- Nutrition Challenge: IS OVER! Get scores on the whiteboard and ask a coach to take your final measurements
- Self Defense Clinic: This Sunday 2/10 at 10a at North. Sign up! Space is limited!
“On The Loose”
200 Meter Run
15 Box Jumps 24″
10 Snatches (135/95)
WOD Guidance & Goal: Yes, we’re running OUTSIDE!! Run the 200’s in :45-:60 and take the same time to do the box jumps. Choose a weight for the snatches that you can complete 3 reps unbroken. During the workout continue to do sets of 3 or more. Snatches will take :30-:45 to complete. Target 5 rounds.
Post Rounds to Comments.
3+218 65#
55# hang snatch
Slam balls
Ski erg
5 rounds:
12 bike
15 step ups
10 hang cleans from the rack
3+ 218 65# (dropped from 85 #first round )
3+203 (75#)
4+212 115#
4 + 100m rx
3+221 Rx
4+200 rx
4+75 95#
3+209. 70#, ski erg. 24”box jmp new pr 🙂
4 @ 115#. Snatches were a disaster today.
4+50mts @50#
4+ 215 60#
5+208; 24” step-ups, 55# hang snatch
4 +50. 95#
4 rx
5+100 65#
4+209 115#
7 X 3 hang snatch (3@75%, 4@80% of 130)
7 X 2 hang clean + 1 jerk (3@75%, 2@80%, 2@85% of 170)
3+202 60#
4+150 Rx
3+217- 65#
3+213 – 75#
20” box
55# H.S. (elbow/shoulder) changed to HC round 4, 65#
3 + 222 – 75#
4 55#/20”
3 + 216 rx
4 Rx
1 shy of 3 RDS RX. Oh hey snatches. Been a while.
4+50 20”/65#