- THE OPEN: Submit your 19.1 scores by 8pm TONIGHT! Scores are submitted through your Games profile.
“Don’t Stop Me Now”
Devil’s Press (50/35)
Box Jump Overs (24/20)
WOD Guidance & Goal: Break devil’s press sets in half or into thirds. Move quickly on the box jump overs. Choose a weight for the devil’s press that you can do for 5 reps before taking a break. Target 10 minutes.
Post Time to Comments.
4 rounds
700m, rest 1:15, 300m, rest 3 min
13:28 (35# / Step Overs).
Totally smoked from 19.1 yesterday.
12:28 25#
13:50 20#, small box step overs
15:06 25#, 1 legged burpee.
14:35, 20#, step overs
15# ! And Happy Birthday to Kevin!
14:42, 12# (GHD PUs + press), red box step overs
Happy birthday Kevin! Is it you’re birthday?
Yes it is Ted! Thanks!
HB Kevin!!
14:40 35#
14:22 20#
18:32 25#
Shoulder fatigue set in quick.
11:21 with 26# KB
25# 20” 14:45 I think. More of a snatch than a press.
16:48 actually
14:01 with 35#
13:17 20#
Sorry not sure why this posted here!
15:15 35#
15:05 30#DBs/20″ box (mostly step ups)
14:06 RX
17:34 Rx
Oof, excited for 19.1 at 4 today…
13:39 20#
12:31. 35#
13:28 20#
11:53 15#
13:30 35#
10:19, 15# / 24” step overs
Should have used 20#
12:55 30#
14:09 15#
19:29 Rx
11:03 20# DBs. Go heavier next time. But please don’t let there be a next time. And because I said that, clearly there will be.
A VERY long time. 25# and stepovers
12:55; 25#
Completed Open 19.1 203 reps Rx
12:47 30#
19.1 again then
17:06 45#
12:54 25#
14:31- 20#
14:17 35#
14:30ish – 25#
12:01 15#, step-up