- TUE WOD Recording: Here
- TEENS CLASS: Monday and Wednesdays at 4:15p! Rsvp through the Triib app
- 12:30p CLASS: Tuesday and Thursday in person! Starts 8/11
“We Know”
5 Rounds of AMRAP 2
5 Hang Power Snatch
10 Overhead Lunges
Max Calorie Bike
Rest 1 Minute
Weights: 135/95#
5 Rounds of AMRAP 2
5 Hang Power Snatch
10 Overhead Lunges
Max Calorie Bike
Rest 1 Minute
Weights: 95/65#
5 Rounds of AMRAP 2
5 Hang Power Clean
10 Front Squats
Max Calorie Bike
Rest 1 Minute
Weights: 95/65#
Choose a weight for the hang movement and lunges/squats that you can do unbroken every round. Try to get through the first 15 reps in :45-:60 and have about 1 min on the bike to accumulate calories. Target 12/9 calories per round (60/40 total reps).
Post Calories to Comments.
5 Rounds of AMRAP 2
5 Tuck Jumps
10 Jumping Lunges
Max 10m Shuttle Runs
Rest 1 Minute
6 x 800m, rest 2 min between sets
82 Cals – 115#
3 Rep Hang Snatch – 165#
44 cals, 45#
3 rep @70#
60 cals, 95#
74 cal-row 55lb snatch/backsq
3rep@ 70hsnatch
115#68 cal
67 MAx
8:58 – mile after the wod
Happy birthday ERICA!!! 🎈
81 MAx
135# for 3 Rep
86 calls (row) 45# MA
65# x3
76 cal MAx
MAx 50#, 85 cal row
70# x 3
73 MVx
at home with a little modification
55# 5 hang power snatch / 10 front squats
25 sit ups
56 cal; 65# snatches and back squats (knee)
3 rep: 90#
103 cals – rower
82 cals @ 95# (MAx)
45#bb hpc, 2×10#db ohl, 12flts stairs
65# just did the snatches and OH lunges in 1:00-1:06 then rested a min
30 min peloton for the cardio piece
68 cals- MAx
115# – 101 cal row
103 cals / 75#
cashout – 4 set of HPS
75# / 95# / 115# / 125#
51 c (45#)
75# for 3 reps
200m runs for bike
66 Cals bike nice. 55# BB less so. Some DLs for cash out.
5 Rounds of AMRAP 2
5 strict hang Snatch 35#
10 front squats 55#
72 cal bike
HOME mods:
6 Rounds of AMRAP 2 (switch arm each round)
5 Hang Power Snatch Single Arm DB
10 Overhead Lunges Single Arm DB
Max Calorie Row
Rest 1 Minute
100 cal, 35# DB
60c MVx (lunges)
79 cal, #45
68 cal @ 75#