WOD: Wed 07.06.2016 “Nasty Girls”

2017-03-31T16:28:32-04:00Tags: , , |
  • Martin


“Nasty Girls”
3 Rounds:
50 Squats
7 Muscle Ups
10 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)

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  1. Bill
    Bill Wed 07.06.2016 at 6:50am


    No Rx today. Muscle ups were a struggle from the start. Really had trouble establishing initial lockout and it was a pattern throughout the whole workout. Still a great workout nonetheless. Great job all around by the 5:30 AM crew.

  2. Brett
    Brett Wed 07.06.2016 at 7:18am

    10:09; 75# ring rows (hand), bench dips

  3. #SpeedyTurtle
    #SpeedyTurtle Wed 07.06.2016 at 7:31am

    16:10 #95 (6/4; 5/3/2; 4/3/1/1/1) strict pullups (3/2/2; 3/2/2; 3/2/1/1)/bench dips

    • Erica
      Erica Wed 07.06.2016 at 9:12am

      nice job on the HC!

  4. Andrew Pants
    Andrew Pants Wed 07.06.2016 at 8:00am

    7:05 Rx pr from 7:12
    MUs: unbroken
    Cleans: 10,5-5,10

  5. Ted
    Ted Wed 07.06.2016 at 8:02am

    13:25: 65#, 1PU/6BBPUs & dips

  6. Willis
    Willis Wed 07.06.2016 at 8:14am

    It’s not about my time today (it was 17:XX?). It’s more about getting 15 BMUs in the WOD, which I have not come close to before. BMUs are getting close to being “on demand” which is where they need to be. Maybe someday soon, I can break the ring MU barrier in my head.

  7. Pete
    Pete Wed 07.06.2016 at 8:42am

    19:49 rx. Thanks Willis for the kick in the pants.

    • Willis
      Willis Wed 07.06.2016 at 2:47pm

      Incredible work today!

    • btartufo
      btartufo Wed 07.06.2016 at 3:14pm

      Awesome job today! Very impressive!

  8. Erica
    Erica Wed 07.06.2016 at 9:16am

    19:37 Rx (PR). If you haven’t watched this video from back in the day, you have to YOUTUBE it and watch. Nasty Girls- I think it’s like 13min. So worth it. Love this wod.

  9. Eric
    Eric Wed 07.06.2016 at 9:43am

    12:34 (I think) – 115#, MUT

  10. Jess F
    Jess F Wed 07.06.2016 at 9:47am

    11:18 – green band strict(ish)/dips, 75#

  11. mariamaramag
    mariamaramag Wed 07.06.2016 at 9:49am

    11:13 MUT and 75#

    Amazing work by the 5:30 class!

  12. Jim B
    Jim B Wed 07.06.2016 at 9:53am

    13:25 Rx

  13. Tony P
    Tony P Wed 07.06.2016 at 10:02am

    12:15 Rx
    MUs – 5,2 – 4,1,2 – 4,1,2
    Cleans – 10 – 8,2 – 8,2

  14. SamB
    SamB Wed 07.06.2016 at 10:03am

    I’ve done this one ever since I started crossfit 4 years ago, and its been a great benchmark.
    11/22/13 12:58 with Bar MU
    7/14/14 17:24 Rx
    8/22/15 15:26 Rx
    7/6/16 12:53 Rx note for next time. don’t go too big on MU in round 1! It was awesome to link 5, but 2 fails in round one was costly. (1: 5, 1, x, x, 1. 2: 3,2,2. 3: 3,2,2)

    I’m still feeling it at the office. wow.

    • Andrew Pants
      Andrew Pants Wed 07.06.2016 at 10:28am

      Way to go buddy. MU’s looked strong

  15. TonyD
    TonyD Wed 07.06.2016 at 11:11am

    10:18 – chest2Bar & banded dips, sub for MU

  16. Dustin A
    Dustin A Wed 07.06.2016 at 1:16pm

    7:56 MUT

  17. Moon (SG)
    Moon (SG) Wed 07.06.2016 at 2:02pm

    13:11, blue band strict pull-ups & red band dips on rings, 80#

  18. nfitz
    nfitz Wed 07.06.2016 at 2:05pm

    9:45 AS/RR+bench dips/KBS 44#

  19. btartufo
    btartufo Wed 07.06.2016 at 3:13pm

    12:34 green band (1) blue band (2)/dips
    115# cleans
    Could/should have gone heavier w/cleans given I used bands for my pull ups but form was good on cleans.
    Mile run post WOD 7:34 (tied PR)

  20. Nick M
    Nick M Wed 07.06.2016 at 3:52pm

    10:08 95# PUs/Ring Dips blue band

  21. Morgan
    Morgan Wed 07.06.2016 at 4:08pm

    13:56 with MUA, 10 total MU

  22. pancho
    pancho Wed 07.06.2016 at 6:24pm

    13:34; 7 pu 7 ring dips; 115#

  23. Liz P.
    Liz P. Wed 07.06.2016 at 8:24pm

    14:30 – blue band kipping pull ups and bench dips, 65# cleans. Marked improvement from last August. I did 20 minutes at 55#!

  24. AK
    AK Fri 07.08.2016 at 12:58am

    Catacomb Crossfit
    10min AMRAP
    10 Front rack lunges (85/55)
    20 Lateral bar jumps
    10 rds exactly (45#, 16 step overs – just realized now as I’m posting that I shorted the step overs!)
    5×5 across DL 150#

    40mi bike ride 2300ft gain, 2150 drop. 2loops of a big slow climb and an awesome winding descent!

    Holy glutes!!!

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