• TEENS: This is the final week of 4:30p teen classes. Coach Michele will be reaching out to parents about summer program options.
  • Week of July 4th
    • Tuesday July 3rd, Regular schedule 5:30a, 6:30a, 8:30a, 9:30a, 12:30p, Open Gym and 5:30p. NO 6:30pm class
    • Wednesday July 4th: NO Classes


12 Calorie Bike
9 Thrusters (115/75)
6 Bar Muscle Ups

WOD Guidance & Goal: Aim to complete the bike in 1 minute. Unbroken thrusters for the first round. And choose a difficult upper body pulling movement as a scaling option for bar muscle ups (banded bar muscle ups, strict chest to bars, chest to bars, strict pull ups). Aim to complete 4-6 rounds.

Post Rounds to Comments.


3×13 minute. rest 4 minutes between