“Sweet But Psycho”
Dumbbell Hang Clean + Jerk (50/35)
200 Meter Run
WOD Guidance & Goals:
Choose a weight for the dumbbells that you can do 5 clean and jerks unbroken. Break reps 10-7 into two sets and reps 6-1 do unbroken. Run 200 meters between each set. Target 17 minutes
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Today’s wod
17:58 30#
14:29 Rx @ North
damn dude… you must have been sprinting. nice work.
20:23. 35#.
20:49 Rx
17:30 Rx
30# DB PC
19:33 30#. Pretty good for me. 35# next time.
17:09 40#
Vacay 2.21.2020 – 18:59 40# 200M row
25:15; 20#
16:44 Rx
18:32 rx
16:27 Rx
17:12 25#
18:44 Rx
Will be sweating alllll day!
21:13 25#
24:29, 20#
20:51, 20#
20:13 25#
18:03 Rx
18:20 #30 unbroken rounds but I’m pretty sure I was doing push presses not Jerks
Liked this wod!
20:16, 35# unbroken
Also posting for Brett — 19:30something, 25#
15:06 Rx
16:46 15#
15:09 Rx
17 something. 20#, row
18:02 rx
19:01 25#