WOD: Mon 12.09.2019 “Ninja Wind”

  • Liz + Nina


“Ninja Wind”
5 Bar Muscle Ups
5 Front Squats (165/115)

Rest 2 minutes

125 Double Unders
10 Shoulder to Overhead (165/115)
Max Toes to Bar in Remaining Time

WOD Guidance & Goal:
For part 1, do 10 chest/chin over bar pull ups as a scale for bar muscle ups and front squats should be unbroken but difficult (75% 1 rep max). Target 3+ rounds. Part 2, 125 singles or 30 attempts at double unders. Get at least 3-5 shoulder to overhead before having to put the bar down (around 80% 1 rep max). Target 12+ toes to bar

Post Reps + Reps to Comments. Compare scores HERE. NOTE: We’ve done this workout at 185/135 in the past, so keep that in mind when comparing scores.


4 sets
200m fast, 100m easy
200m fast, 100m easy
200m fast, 100m easy
rest 4 min


Courtesy of Burgener Strength

1) Snatch: 10 rounds – Every 90 seconds, complete:
1 snatch (work up to a max for the day)

2) Back squat: 55%x 5, 65%x 5, 75%x5.

3)3 rounds:
10 weighted back extensions
rest 90 seconds
60 second Zercher rack hold (AHAP)
rest 90 second

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  1. Kevin Clarke
    Kevin Clarke Mon 12.09.2019 at 6:57am

    4+5, gr&p band PUs, 65#
    25 SUs, 12c bike, 65#

  2. Brett
    Brett Mon 12.09.2019 at 6:59am

    3+9 5 CTB (one round of 5, then 3/2, 3/2, 2/2/1) 100#
    15 TTB 125 SU, 85 # (5/5)

  3. Kathy C
    Kathy C Mon 12.09.2019 at 7:00am

    3+5, r+p band PUs, 65#
    25 KUs, 200m ski erg, 45#

  4. cfitnow
    cfitnow Mon 12.09.2019 at 7:00am

    2+5 BBMU/115 135 reps 115#

  5. K8
    K8 Mon 12.09.2019 at 7:18am

    3 @115#/CTB
    132 reps @85#

  6. Ted
    Ted Mon 12.09.2019 at 7:33am

    Ninja Break Wind.

    Black band (fka RB) PUs, 85# FSs 3 rounds plus 8 = 38

    30 SUSUDU/DUA, PPs 65#, 8 TtB/TtBAs

    RB then BB PUs, 85# FSs 2 rounds plus 7 = 37

    SUs, PJs 65#, maybe 18 KUs

  7. Erin
    Erin Mon 12.09.2019 at 7:52am

    3+5 C2B 115#

  8. Dusty
    Dusty Mon 12.09.2019 at 7:54am

    2+3 135#
    21 t2b 135#

  9. Ben
    Ben Mon 12.09.2019 at 8:02am

    4+7 125# KPUs / 18 TTB 40 DUAs 125#

    Last time: “3 @ 125#, 10 SPUs w red band
    12 TTB (with 40 dub attempts and 105#)”

  10. nfitz
    nfitz Mon 12.09.2019 at 8:45am

    4 rounds rr’s/ 115#
    21 ttbs with singles/ 75#

  11. zdn
    zdn Mon 12.09.2019 at 9:19am

    2 @ 135#
    10 TTB @135# (1/2 dubs, 1/2 SUs)

  12. #SpeedyTurtle
    #SpeedyTurtle Mon 12.09.2019 at 9:35am

    4+1 @ #95 KPU
    12 v-ups (#85 and 40 dus – which took just under 2 min)

  13. Amanda W
    Amanda W Mon 12.09.2019 at 9:46am

    4+2 KPU/95#
    6 @95#

  14. Bill
    Bill Mon 12.09.2019 at 9:51am

    3 Rx / 19 Rx

  15. Derek
    Derek Mon 12.09.2019 at 9:55am

    3+4 / 15 reps Rx

  16. Harrison
    Harrison Mon 12.09.2019 at 10:01am

    75#/ black band PU/ 6+4
    SU/ 20 KU+ 5 T2B

  17. Moon (SG)
    Moon (SG) Mon 12.09.2019 at 10:45am

    5 rds of:
    5 KPU
    75# FS to bench

    60 situps
    65# push press
    16 T2B

  18. Megha
    Megha Mon 12.09.2019 at 11:00am

    4+2 80# KPUs
    14TTB 75#/ SU

  19. Erica
    Erica Mon 12.09.2019 at 2:32pm

    2+8 95#
    18 95#

  20. Erica
    Erica Mon 12.09.2019 at 2:33pm


  21. heatherjlarson@gmail.com
    [email protected] Mon 12.09.2019 at 2:51pm

    2+2 Rx
    15 TTB (20 DU, 105#)

  22. estrehle
    estrehle Mon 12.09.2019 at 4:27pm

    3+6 kpu 85#
    7 (92 DU at 2 min then I moved on), 85#

  23. Rap
    Rap Mon 12.09.2019 at 5:42pm

    3+7 at 165
    20 at 165
    Shaking off some weekend cobwebs…

  24. Pete
    Pete Mon 12.09.2019 at 5:50pm


    Snatch up to 120# (5# off pr). 😀 first time heavy since April.
    BS 125/150/175
    Worked up to 25# back extension and 125# zercher hold

  25. Neal M
    Neal M Mon 12.09.2019 at 6:32pm

    4 + 5
    +5 t2b

  26. Nicole
    Nicole Mon 12.09.2019 at 6:59pm

    4+8 @ – 105#
    5 T2B – 95#

  27. Katie
    Katie Mon 12.09.2019 at 7:01pm

    3+5- CTB/105#
    135- 95#

  28. NikkiB
    NikkiB Mon 12.09.2019 at 7:43pm

    5+5 black band/#75
    26 knee/toe/knee/toe

  29. Neel
    Neel Mon 12.09.2019 at 8:36pm

    2 + 6 BBMU & 115# / 27 SU & 95#

  30. lourdes
    lourdes Mon 12.09.2019 at 9:47pm

    4+5 55#, PU/40 DU, 35 KneesUp

  31. mdu3737
    mdu3737 Tue 12.10.2019 at 6:37am

    3 95# bmua rd 1 ctb 2,3rds
    22 65#

  32. Lisa M
    Lisa M Tue 12.10.2019 at 8:01pm

    2 + 1 Banded BMU; 95#
    2 T2B; 95#

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