
600-400-200 Meter Run
50-35-20 Wall Ball
50-35-20 Sit Up

Weight: 20/14

600-400-200 Meter Run
50-35-20 Wall Ball
50-35-20 Sit Up

Weight: 14/10

300-200-100 Meter Run
30-20-10 Wall Ball
30-20-10 Sit Up

Weight: 10/6

Run at a pace somewhere between your 1 mile pr pace and your 5k pr pace… that’s moderately fast! The 600 will take around three minutes, the 400 around two mintues, and the 200 around one minutes. When you come in from the runs, do a BIG set of wall balls (at least 15), then chip away in sets of 10 or more. You can recover (breath) on the sit ups, so don’t hold back on the wall ball sets. Take no more than two minutes on the 50 wall balls, :90 on the set of 35, and :60 on the set of 20. Same time domains for the sit ups. Target 15-17 minutes

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