“Mr. Brightside”
12 Burpees
10 Hang Power Cleans
8 Front Squats
6 Shoulder to Overhead
Men: 135
Women: 95
WOD Guidance & Goals:
This workout should feel like you’re out for a 20 minute run at a moderate pace with little to no rest. Choose a weight for the barbell movements that you can cycle through your weakest movement unbroken. Target 6 Rounds.
Post Rounds to Comments.
5+25 75#
6+21 75/ 35 S2OH
Burpees round 1
Ins and outs round 2-7
6+1 35# db
6 + 30 rx
6+ 20 12 burpees, 10 DL, 8 HPC, 6 FS @ 95#
5+15 Rx
6+10 @ 115#. Re-entry is hard.
6+6 @ 85# (squat to bench)
7+5, 65#
A tweak in my back and groin prevented me from going heavier.
6+2 rx
5+20 55#
6+6 55# -last 2 rounds went to deadlifts and stopped overhead – calf/Achilles
4+10; 65# 1st round –> 55# for remainder, forearm strain going into this WOD, humidity was a killer
7+14 75#